Thought I would repay the great advice received from all of you by posting some shots of bow #2. Just at floor tiller now and about to start to string tillering. Need to sand the back a bit and round some corners, but other than that - she's good to go.
American Elm (sub species Brandon Elm), will likely keep it around 68" to 70" N2N. Going to make this a D-shape tiller....or so I hope. I think I had beginners luck with my first bow, so I've tried to go back to basics and follow Tim Bakers, "first wooden bow" instructions. We'll see how it goes.
This stave appears pretty good as it is fairly knot free and has some natural deflex. There is a knot dead center in the limb at midlimb and one just slightly above towards the tips. I have left extra width there for now and I'm trying to follow the undulations in the back of the bow at that spot to maintain a proper thickness.
Roughed out dimensions are:
Limb width from handle thru to mid-limb is 1-9/16" tapering to what will be 1/2" at the tips when finished. (left them a bit wide for now until I see how it tracks). Thickness at handle is 1", and 13/16" at fades tapering to 9/16" at mid-limb, down to 1/2" at tips.
I'll keep you posted.
PS - this stave is also a street side casualty (as was my chokecherry). It was knocked down in March 2009, and I saved it from the chipper. I keep looking for more of these Elm knock-downs, but they seem to be few and far between this winter.
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