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Bow stringer
I use a piece of thin rope for my stringer,cut the rope 12" longer than your normal string and tie a loop in each end.I then position each loop in the stringer groove in my nocks and hold the bow waist height with the back pointing up.Now stand on the Stringer rope with both feet and holdinging the bow at the handle area pull up with your Left hand,as the Bow bends push your Bow string up into its Nock with your right hand and bingo!the strings on ;D.
My bow's 75lb but i can comfortably brace 100lb bows using this method,and i'm only little ;D :D.
I prefer this method to using the leather pouches because the pouches can snap the Horn off the nocks,but you need the extra grooves (is that the right word?).
My stringer,cost about 2P ;D.
On the nock.
Ready to rock n roll.
I also use piece of rope and double nocks on the bow.
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