I started the popcorn for this one....

I guess I'll start: I have made many both ways. Seems to me that on straight limbed/straight forward,no nonsence self bows,A shorter bottom limb handles,and just feels better in the hand upon release.(at least to me)
On recurves or on bows with flipped tips,symmetrical limbs handle better. I rack my brain trying figure it all out, and have never came up with solid proof to justify saying one way or another. ie/ all things being equal, (as we all know they are not)
One thing overlooked by many is limb timing,regardless of how you lay out your limbs, push yourself to get them even.For those just starting out, I would advise symmetrical limbs and as their experience advances, build some with asymmetrical limbs. It's how we learn.
I can tell you that the best shooting bow I have is a straight limbed 58" with a 1" shorter bottom limb.
Open the gates boys!:)