Otherwise known as Australian Pine in the Casuarina family. I've been spying around to find one to cut and gave it ago this evening in the pouring rain. It was great!
I hope this stuff turns out great because I've hit the jackpot on where to find it. Not that it's difficult in these parts.
Apparently, this stuff is very dense. I've read online of anywhere from .8 to 1.2 in specific gravity. I think it will come in around .9
This stave is straight and about 8 feet long. Tomorrow I'll get the chain saw to clean up the split end. It should be a clean 6'. I'll try to split it tomorrow as well. Also, I took a few saplings to dry out and see if they make for good arrow material.
I'm going to leave the bark on and let it season. I'm thinking I may get a thicker sapling and try a D bow from it after it dries for a month or two. If I put it in the car down here it should dry out pretty quickly.
This wood has a slew of names but the one in the subject I couldn't pass up for obvious reasons. Would that it could be Osage... Apparently, this stuff has an outrageously high amount of thermal capacity when burning. I've been reading that it could arguably be the worlds best firewood.
Anyway, here are pictures.
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