Ok, so I know I might be breaking a few "rules" here. It is walnut, I don't have any BL or Osage, that's why it's a "wide" d-bow.
It is 55" ntn 43#@25" but have drawn it to 27. Not quite the diamond ends that I have seen in drawing of Cherokee hunting bows because I took a little too much off one end while floor tillering. It is 1.5" at the handle and tapers to 5/8" at the nock. This one was fun because I have never built a bendy handle bow more than 15# before. Shoots reall smooth and is zippier than I thought it would be. takes an initial 1.5 inches of set but overnight loses about half an inch after resting.
I haven't finished it yet so I am up to any ideas you all might have, stain, paint, just tru-oil?
Built it to go along with the forsythia shafts I posted in arrows (there is a pic of them here too).
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