Wow, I'm impressed with the high calibre of responders! (I think you guys scared off any dissenting opinions.

Hillbilly, thanks for clearing up my question about trapping, as well as the general comments on bow styles. Very helpful!
Badger, it's reassuring to hear from one of the acknowledged experts that they have questions too... Makes me feel less dumb for asking potentially dumb questions.
George, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions point-by-point! I have no expectation of such generosity. I have a feeling I'll be referring back often to second-guess myself.
Justin, YES!! I'm glad somebody else, especially a higher-up such as yourself, confirms confusion over the D-Bow designation. I thought there was a conspiracy afoot!
A further question regarding slightly-rounded bellies: Is it a safer profile than perfectly flat as regards chryssalling? With back undulations and wandering crowns, would a thin spot on an edge be more likely to kink and fret with a flat belly as opposed to a slightly rounded one? My gut says the rounded belly might offer some protection here.