Thanks gents,
Dane....every self respecting viking knows them small monks (chipmunks) is allways the hardest to get so ya got to have the right tool fer the job eh.....remember to piliage BEFORE ya burn. 
Del....that's how it is around here...that wood can work or break
... that's how come I get so much kindling wood!!!!
Swampbow....Got to put ya into that Mark category....
This old mans bald head needs it's "bankie" at 8 degrees !!!
half eye 

So just what is a "Mark category"? I just bought a fox pelt to make a nice warm viking hat from. Going up to Mississippi in March to sell some pottery (historical repops) and I think I'll need a nice warm hat myself this year. Thought about using bear pelt to match my name (Bjoern), but it might be kind of weird to wear my namesake on my head. Dunno, I guess I could "warm up" to the idea. LOL
Oh and remember what is good in life : To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to do the humpty dance with their women!
Okay so that was bastardized by my friends about 15 yrs ago from Connan moivies. But it is catchy and sooo "hollywood" viking not just Barbarian.
Swamp: who really does grumble like a real bear in the morning.