I own four handmade ("Taylor Made Bows") longbows. One is a 45 lb Osage Orange self bow, another is a 73 lb laminated longbow, another is a 48 lb laminated fiberglass and maple longbow, and the last is a 48 lb hickory and bamboo composit bow. I shoot target archery (barebow) with my Hoyt re-curve target bow and Carbon express arrows, and I shoot hand made (Taylor Made) cedar arrows with the longbows. I have only been shooting "primitive" with the longbows for a couple of months. I would like to learn how one should really loose arrows with a longbow. Grip, anchor point, release being the main things. I hope to do some bow hunting with the longbows, fore my sister owns 25 a. of land along the Yellowstone river, about 35 miles north of Yellowstone in Paradice Valley. I also work with pyrotechnics in Idaho. I have been hunting with flint rifles, and my longest shot has been 16 yards,(Blue Ridige Mts-Virginia) so I think I could hit a deer with a longbow, using cedar arrows and Magnus two blade glue on broadheads.
But I would like some advice from more experienced archers...in the art of the "bent-stick".
Douglas George