Author Topic: Bang!/Crunch: What I've learned about Chokecherry so far.  (Read 9630 times)

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Offline zenmonkeyman

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Re: Bang!/Crunch: What I've learned about Chokecherry so far.
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2010, 02:02:03 am »
Thanks for the comments guys.

Dana, I will do just that.

Leroy, I found that it bent easily with the heat gun; steam might be worth a try.  If it works it should prevent overdrying.  A good winter strategy?  I agree a hickory or boo back would work wonders.  I'd still heat treat the belly, I keep reading on different threads about chokecherry chrysalling easily otherwise.  I'm wondering if decrowning might have helped me, I think my high crown didn't help.

Chuck, you're the man!  I find the blackfoot chokecherry bow you posted to be very inspiring.

Sailordad, keep us posted on your project!

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Offline Jude

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Re: Bang!/Crunch: What I've learned about Chokecherry so far.
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2010, 06:26:57 am »
Zen, If chokecherry is normally weak in compression, decrowning will compound the problem, and make it more likely to fret, as would backing with hickory or bamboo.  Looks like you narrowed it down to moisture content anyway, which will be an issue for any wood aside from hickory.  I'm not sure if hickory could even stand 0% moisture.  Maybe you could build a 6' long humidor and store them like cigars ;D  Otherwise, keep that humidifier running.  I had the same issue with dryness in Alaska, but I was using hickory, so it didn't really matter.  Good luck, Jude
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