been a while since i participated in conversing with you folks. i have about a six foot piece of persimmon already roughed out to pre-tillering stage. about a five or six inch handle area and the fades start at 1 and1/2 inches until it gets to the tips at 1/2 an inch. is the length and the width of the fades acceptable for persimmon? now to the recurving question, when does one recurve tips-before or after final tiller? i have some excellent pieces of osage orange staves in hiding at a friend's house until he retires in march or april. they were cut and split in mid november of 2009. would that be long enough for the curing process? i might be persuaded to trade two staves for one that was made right by one of the members of the community, if such a thing is acceptable under the rules of this community. if not, then please forgive a 40 year man's presumption.