first major bow that ive been working on. i made a few when i was younger, but nothing even close to decent. anyways, ive been working on this board bow for the last month. unfortunately ive only had a few minutes at a time here and there. anyways, its a red oak board, 6 foot long. i didnt cut any length off, so that i could have a decent draw length and maintain some kind of safety. anyways, heres my current tiller, its getting there, but you guys have better eyes than me. also, the handle area, ive rounded off the corners, but i left it full width and thickness. can i take a bit of width out of it?
please excuse my work space, i have one of those chimney things out back, and im saving my bamboo for kindling, haha. i know the angle is funny, but if you can see the lines of the siding, the ends are pretty similar.