Hi gang! I'm trying rawhide backing the 1hour bow as a tryout/experimentation.
I got the rawhide as a big knotted dog chew.
The hide glue I bought online (Liberon Pearl Glue).
I had a good find for the thermostatically controlled glue pot, a 1L Deep Fryer for £11.99, it works great, a glass jar of glue fits in the basket just right and I fill the fryer with water and turn the 'stat down half way.
My real question is...will the glue do it's job? It cools down almost instantly on the bow back and the wet rawhide to a tacky gel ? (I had the glue pretty runny)
I bound it on with string, and gave it a waft of the hot air gun, to reflow the glue...this seemed like a good idea as I could see it oozing through where I'd overlapped a section (it was too thin and had torn through).
1. Is Chinese dried rawhide Dog Chew any good?
2. Will the hide glue be ok without my 'reflowing' ?
3. What are next weeks lottery numbers?
Watcha think guys eh? eh?
