Author Topic: Authentic Ojibwa Bows  (Read 26174 times)

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Offline El Destructo

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Re: Authentic Ojibwa Bows
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2010, 04:03:35 pm »
II BYRDS....actually the two Bows that I listed are a design that both the Menominee and Ojibwa had in common...they both used this Design in Upper Michigan and Canada...along with Northern Wisconsin too....also the Potowotami had a similar design....seems the Council of Three Fires ...all used this Design....the one that HalfEye has posted reminds Me more of an Fox D Bow than an Ojibwa Bow from where I grew up...
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Re: Authentic Ojibwa Bows
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2010, 04:06:17 pm »
Aanii IIByrds,
       My understanding from Jay Sam (Odawa) is that the Odawa carved both sides of their bows because they were made to resemble the spine of an animal. Why the Potawatomii choose to do only one side I don't have the answer for because I have not sat down with one of their elders to personally ask.
      With these three groups being allies, friends, and trading with each other I would assume that you probably could find any of the three types of bows in any of their camps through trading if the individual was so inclined or maybe one was given as a gift etc. I dont think they were much different that the fellas around here....some of them maybe just wanted something different. The size and style of the bows are what is attributed to individual tribes, it is not a hard and fast rule that all Odawa carried the exact same bow, or the Ojibwa etc.
       It's my understanding that the Three Fires traded as far East as Ottawa, and Montreal and their copper arrow heads and lance points were discovered in large numbers in Montana..... I have read that the Odawa in particular knew about the Santee Sioux's "double curved" bows but thought them to be inferior and no good for fighting from canoes etc. So I suppose that you would have to say a certain type of bow is attributed to a particular group and does not mean everybody in that group carried the same weapon.
      I hope that helps
half eye ;)

Offline elk country rp

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Re: Authentic Ojibwa Bows
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2010, 04:06:31 pm »
wow! the scalloping blows me away- looks like an invitation to raise splinters! i'm guessing that they used tension strong woods & trapped the back a little to relieve the edges? i'd be very interested in trying to build one of these if you're willing to post some guidance....


half eye

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Re: Authentic Ojibwa Bows
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2010, 04:11:59 pm »
El D
      Me and you are good.....I thought that maybe I had given IIByrds the wrong idea is all. I gather you are in the UP somewhere? whereabouts would that be? If youre too close maybe ya want to keep a eye peeled fer one of dem dana's....hear they be's pretty sneaky ;D
half eye

Offline II BYRDS

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Re: Authentic Ojibwa Bows
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2010, 04:20:58 pm »
 yeh one of my friends i was showing the pics to out of the PA magzine said the same thing about getting some splinters from the scallops i can see that the tillering could be a bit tricky with them there wheather one side or on both side like the Ottawa one shows in PA mag.

half eye

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Re: Authentic Ojibwa Bows
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2010, 04:31:40 pm »
      I can't speak for El D but I can say that I've built more than 40 of these and used Ash, Elm and Maple I have broke some from seeing if they'd draw a full 28" but I have never had one lift any slivers. I guess I can not say exactly why that is....but they dont lift might be the vertical grain? but I'm not prepared to say that like it's a fact.
half eye ;)

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Re: Authentic Ojibwa Bows
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2010, 04:41:01 pm »
El D
      Me and you are good.....I thought that maybe I had given IIByrds the wrong idea is all. I gather you are in the UP somewhere? whereabouts would that be? If you're too close maybe ya want to keep a eye peeled fer one of dem Dana's....hear they be's pretty sneaky ;D
half eye

I am in Texas...... ;D....I was born and raised in Ishpeming...anglified form of the Ojibwa word for In The Heavens..Ishpiming...and as fer Da Dana...well I know exactly where to find Him too!!

As for the Bows...I have had no trouble with the either from Staves ....Split Quartersawn Logs....or Air Dried Boards...They are a bit different to Tiller...but I see no weakness from the Scallops...if you look at the Design of these Bows...the Scallops are not really part of the working do I explain this....the Scallops are an estension of the Sides of the Limb...the working part is not compromised really....c/mon are more Articulate than I am...can Ya explain this in less than a ten page rambling.cause thats about what I will end up doing..... :-[
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Offline elk country rp

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Re: Authentic Ojibwa Bows
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2010, 04:43:09 pm »
i think i get it- the scallops actually fall into the neutral plane, so shouldn't be a liability

Offline El Destructo

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Re: Authentic Ojibwa Bows
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2010, 04:48:38 pm » wasn't that easy....... :P
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Offline II BYRDS

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Re: Authentic Ojibwa Bows
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2010, 04:50:36 pm »
so i have not seen any of you using Osage for these. so ash elem maple okay i can get any of these. what about black locust i have plenty any of the above trees used including Osage.

Offline El Destructo

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Re: Authentic Ojibwa Bows
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2010, 04:58:36 pm »
Black Locust would not been a Wood of Choice in making these Bows...since it is a Southern Wood by has been spread all over  the USA now..but is not Native to the Northeat...but it should do just fine used to make one of these long as the Stave was big enough to have a fairly flat Back....since Locust is more like Osage and like to have a single ring for a Back....JMO
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Offline II BYRDS

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Re: Authentic Ojibwa Bows
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2010, 05:12:19 pm »
okay El D...

I have standing beside my house maybe 12 inch elem 20 plus ft tall that i just noticed in late fall that was dead with bark still on it can it be used???? also if i use elem which one i have slippery elm and the one with the smother bark not know the name for that one. or should i use one thats Lot smaller in diameter. the dutch elem disease has taken a tole on most elem in the area. i use the slippery elm inner bark for my Ojibwa tea.


half eye

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Re: Authentic Ojibwa Bows
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2010, 05:46:59 pm »
II Byrds
        Up in this neck of the woods we have two kinds of elm....Red (slippery) and Grey Elm.....I have found that they both work ok but the grey is not quite as "stout", it's good wood mind you but just not quite up to the slippery elm. I've use both for bows and arrow stock (vertical grain fully quartersawn) and they are both good....the grey is a little less dense (weighs a little less).
half eye ;)

Offline El Destructo

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Re: Authentic Ojibwa Bows
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2010, 05:48:34 pm »
Where do you live?? Dead Whitewood is normally not a Good Thing....Fungus sets in pretty fast in most Areas...and Spaulted Wood looks really nice for Pen Turning ....Bowl Making and Woodwork in general...but it is a no-no in Bow making...You could always cut it down and try for Elms...I have made Bows from ...American...Red...and even Siberian Elm...they all seemed to work just fine to me!!
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Offline elk country rp

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Re: Authentic Ojibwa Bows
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2010, 06:38:14 pm »

guess what came in the mail today........PA!

after reading the article, i can honestly say i'm hooked! i hope i can be forgiven for not smoking the stave- 4 feet of snow outside right now. i can't wait to see how the scalloped tillering works!

thank you for the inspiration & information,