Aanii IIByrds,
My understanding from Jay Sam (Odawa) is that the Odawa carved both sides of their bows because they were made to resemble the spine of an animal. Why the Potawatomii choose to do only one side I don't have the answer for because I have not sat down with one of their elders to personally ask.
With these three groups being allies, friends, and trading with each other I would assume that you probably could find any of the three types of bows in any of their camps through trading if the individual was so inclined or maybe one was given as a gift etc. I dont think they were much different that the fellas around here....some of them maybe just wanted something different. The size and style of the bows are what is attributed to individual tribes, it is not a hard and fast rule that all Odawa carried the exact same bow, or the Ojibwa etc.
It's my understanding that the Three Fires traded as far East as Ottawa, and Montreal and their copper arrow heads and lance points were discovered in large numbers in Montana..... I have read that the Odawa in particular knew about the Santee Sioux's "double curved" bows but thought them to be inferior and no good for fighting from canoes etc. So I suppose that you would have to say a certain type of bow is attributed to a particular group and does not mean everybody in that group carried the same weapon.
I hope that helps
half eye