Saturday night I was tillering and heard a crack, then a boom and stuff went flying everywhere and I was ducking and running for cover. After all the commotion, I turned around and looked to see the wreckage. To my supprise, the bow was still sitting on the tree. I have been using a fishing scale to build bows for a while. I liked the big digital display. The rope I was using to pull it had snapped. The bow launched the scale smashing it into the beam above it and sending parts everywhere. Today I went looking for another scale and couldn't find one over 50#. I finally went to a local hardware store and struck gold. They had this big old 300# scale sitting on the shelf half open. I had been looking for a heavier scale, but they were too expensive. I asked and they told me that since it had been sitting so long and it was open I could have it for $30. I bought it, went to the rock climbing store and bought a 6mm rope rated at 2200 pounds and I'm in better shape than I was before.
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