Sumpin 5" round cut last year and not parted at least once will have checked severly in my climate, maybe even mostly parted itself. This from direct experience on multiple pieces. Seems like you part it once way within a few weeks off the stump, leave the bark, and yer good to go.
When Pat says seal immediately, he means you got about a hour between exposing bare heart wood and sloppin it with something. I like two coats, depending. I like the rest of his advice. I usually will reduce the limb thickness to 3/4", the handle area to 1 1/2" and seal the heck out of the belly side of the handle as well. All this within a 2 or 3 weeks off the stump, then put it onto a caul w/ reflex for about week. Then into the hot box at around 50% Rh checking at least twice a day for the first few.
It's a challenge but you can go from stump to shooting bow in about 3 months depending. But I honestly think you won't get all the moisture out of the core for a considerably longer period. I had lots of bows pull out of tiller, gain draw weight, take excessive set, etc. when I first start out and didn't have a reserve of seasoned wood. Even today I like to make a bow from fresh cut wood, to see how it is, and usually 6 months off the stump (say cut in February to be ready by MoJam) is best case scenario to get to final tiller and finish.