This bow is coming along now. Got to shoot it this evening but it still needs some fine tuning, I think. I've got 50# at 27 and am pleased with that. Hackberry is super easy to work with and with that it seems kinda tough to keep the poundage up on the bow. It is 62 ntn and a pyramid. I'm wondering if the top limb needs a little more taken off toward the nock but I'm also going to be thinning the last six inches of the limbs towards the tips to try to pick up some cast. It shot well this evening, my accuracy was great with shooting this lower poundage after getting used to 60 to 65 #s. I've toasted the belly. Man, hackberry has a great smell when toasting. Anyhow - feedback wanted on the tiller. The first photo shows the stave, second just after floor tiller, then where I'm at now. I'll post more pictures as I do the finish work.
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