You sure are pulling some long flake off there ,thats a work of art, I wonder if Indians were trappers using flint points to swing and penetrate the vitals ,that point sure would cause something to spring a leak, it just seems so hard to collect game on any regular basis with a bow ,sometimes I wonder if they set lots of traps to keep the children in food, I believe they did alot of group drive hunting too , I know they were very smart people to leave the artifacts they leave , I just believe it would not be real hard to come up with a heavy spear type trap that would work easily , and you can find points in the woods just randomly at times, A bow would be a good finisher for that type of hunting too.However they were doing it they were very good at it ,if you read about the first thanksgiving with the Indians it talks about them just going out and getting a large number of deer for the feast ,maybe 6 deer ,I dont remember how many but it is easy to say ,but it would take alot of doing unless deer were almost tame back then.