Well, I really like how this bow shoots, but I messed the finish up something awful by being in a rush and indecisive about how to get the finish perfect (oh the irony

). Anyway, this actually turned out to be one of my best bows yet, and my new favorite design: the pyramid R/D!
66" between the nocks, 2" at the widest. Hickory, it pulls 75# at 30" and shoots faster than my 80# and 88#. Stores more energy, and puts more of it in the arrow. I could have narrowed the 3/8" wide nocks much more, but this was my first shot. The handle was a little shallow so I built it up with that leather. One of the easiest bows I've tillered- the stupid finish being the hardest part. Flat belly not really tempered, despite the low set (about 1/2" top limb, 1" bottom limb). This is the hardest, fastest shooting bow I've ever made- despite some bows that were much heavier. And man does it shoot straight

. I intend to do many more in this style, hopefully a few that actually look nice

I named it "Sweet Imperfections" because despite looking like a mess it shoots like a dream, and my first bow applying proper bow design to a heavy weight. I'll be using this one for the upcoming school talent show.
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