Ricktro and Okie, Thank you it is a great darker contrasting color for the lighter woods.
Zen, I can't take the credit for original thought, many of our ancestors used sturgeon,eel, and other fish skins for backings. Most bottom fish have a very tough skin and it can add some protection as well as cosmetics. Some will lose there color and become transparent when dried.
Thanks Brownhill.
Yes Dave, that is a vein popping out of my head

Still can't hit full draw but getting closer.

Jim Hall shot it a bit tonight and really liked it.
Thank you Gordon, Coming from someone of your impeccable detail work that means allot. The skins have some touch up where that bow got moved around in the long process and lost a few scales. I almost decided to reskin them but did the touch up instead.
Elk Country, Thank you, I believe we are in a true renaissance of archery! Growing daily back to the roots of Archery!