Hi all,
I'm working on a bend through the handle red oak board bow, no extra handle/riser. Gotta do one some day, might as well be today, right? It's 70" ntn, 72" to the tips, and right now it's pulling 20# @ 14", linen cloth backed. I intend to bring it down to about 40# @ 28", partly because I still can't pull 50# without snapping my wrist with the string hard enough to provoke bad language, even through an arm brace.

Someday. Also, I'm still chicken thinking about 50#+ on a board bow.
Any way, my question is this; on the belly/limb area, the fattest part, as I remove wood, I keep tearing out the soft ring material. I'm rasping/filing/sanding at a very shallow angle to the grain, so there's not much getting around it, but will it cause any harm? Can I just fill it and smooth it out with something cosmetic? I have 40 to 60 half draw pulls so far, and no sign of stress.
First pic is bow braced to 6 1/2", second is an altered close up of the tear out.
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