Having monkeyed some with an oak plank, I couldn't wait to try a selfbow. I knew there were some nice chokecherries competing with mature poplars behind my parents' house, so on my last visit I harvested one. It was about 3" across, with some knots but not too many. I left it a whole 3 days before I had to start. I quickly peeled it and macheted it into a large mess and a very rough stick. Sealed the ends and back with shellac and brought it in the house. Laid it out and started with my "drawknife" (also my machete). I decided on a 4inch handle offset an inch from center, 61" tip to tip, 1 1/2" at the fades tapering evenly to 1/2" at the tips. I want to hunt deer but I'm pretty scrawny so I'm looking at no more than 50#. I just skimmed through Gordon's hazelnut buildalong though (for about the 5th time!) and I'm worried I haven't left enough wood. I guess I'll find out.

This is the only knot penetrating the back. There are a few violating the belly to mostly minor degrees.

Bit of a kink on the upper limb as well. Otherwise she's pretty straight!

I put the handle in the center of the natural reflex. Had enough length to play with. (I hope!)

Clamped the crooked limb and went away for Chistmas.

Yesterday I worked it down a bit more, got it *mostly* floor tillered, and clamped it up. The upper limb turned out dead straight after 4 days on the rack, but still has some twist. I have it clamped with a hatchet holding it over.

The other end which was straight before went a bit wild over the last week, so I have the tip clamped over and down for the twist, and squeezed to the side with another bar clamp for the bend. Also in this shot are my twisted tamarack limb billets. I'll be looking for help with them for my next project!

So once again I prevail on all of you to register your opinions on where I'm going wrong. Save me from myself! Will I get 45-50#s out of this? Somebody on an old thread said he'd found chokecherry to be nearly "indestructable" so I'm hoping he's right. Thanks for helping!