Just a thought, I love to hunt, not for horns though as I have never tasted them.I just like to walk in the woods and watch mother nature do her thing. I love Autumn and the color of the leaves and the frost dew as it settles upon the earth as I sit in my tree stand watching for the deer to enter the fields, That I hunt. I also like to sneak up on the animals not to kill, but to see how close I can get. I like to spent time in the woods with GOD and my kids. I don't feel GOD when I hug a tree, But all I have to do is be quiet a while and look around and know, some power greater than me made all this and this is truly a privilege, not because of some law , but because I was able to choose to take my bow and enter the woods to hunt for fair game.Unfortunate has become other countries, I am sorry to say, And from time to time we need to speak up to protect this privilege here in our own country. Denny