I have quite a few tales to tell, some will have to wait until my wife finds the holes and asks how they got there! My best so far, is a metal garage door. An archery buddy came round to check out my latest bow, we were shooting it in my makeshift range in the garage. I had a brainwave about instinct shooting, so I let off a few quick arrows to find my mark, then tried one with my eyes shut! The resounding boom told me I had missed. My buddy was laughing his head off, and my arrow had gone right through the metal door just to the right of my target, only stopping at the fletching. My wife had heard the boom and guessed what I had done, she came in and gave me one of those looks that sends you back to being a child again. She just shook her head and said fix it. I had the last laugh though, couple of weeks later the same Boyer buddy came round and put an arrow right through my wife's sun lounger, don't know how he did it, my guess is instinct shooting again!