Author Topic: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures  (Read 19315 times)

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #30 on: December 13, 2009, 11:05:22 pm »
Well, I'm from the "Trophy State"(Kansas). They're ALL trophy's to those who don't live here! I'm sick of what has happened to the state's herd. I've been hunting hard with my stick and stones this year and I've only seen two(2) mature bucks. All the private land is leased or outfitted out. You can't even take a kid out for rabbits or quail. It's all about the "Trophy Buck$$$"! The prices for a outfitted "hunt" START at $2000 to $3000, and guided START at $4000 to $5000, plus lic. and permits. There were 2 or 3 deer dumped by outfitters that had been caped out! Clients didn't want the meat! What a bunch of sick, greedy, money hungry, unethical, corrupt, sorry bunch!!! From the land owners clear thru to the clients! Hunting Used to be fun. Now, it's just an unregulated money grab and anything goes! Sorry for the rant-I'm done now! Craig

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #31 on: December 13, 2009, 11:22:07 pm » wasn't a Rant....I am the only one thats allowed to Rant!!! You have hit on a Deep Wound here....I live in a State with less than 3 percent that is Open to the Public...the rest is Leased....and I can really feel where you are coming from! My Home State used to be the Way Kansas is now....but between the Bad Winters....Poachers....Out of State Hunters...the Totally Worthless D.N.R...and the reintroduction of a Species that was never here....(so how they can call it reintroduction I don't know).The canadian Timber Wolf..There are very few Deer left in Upper Michigan....and it very seldom that You see a Doe...let alone a Doe with a yearling still with her....the Wolves Get them....I hope and Pray that States like Kansas...Iowa....Nebraska all wise up before they go the way of Michigan.....and it will happen I can almost guarantee it....All it took back Home was the Deer Herd being Stressed by Overhunting....then a Bad Winter and a large case of Pneumonia...then the Introduction of a Major Predator to Boot....and it has been a Downhill Slide for the Upper Michigan deer Herd now for over 10 Years....with no hope in the near future I will quit Ranting.......... ;D
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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #32 on: December 15, 2009, 11:52:25 pm » wasn't a Rant....I am the only one thats allowed to Rant!!! You have hit on a Deep Wound here....I live in a State with less than 3 percent that is Open to the Public...the rest is Leased....and I can really feel where you are coming from! My Home State used to be the Way Kansas is now....but between the Bad Winters....Poachers....Out of State Hunters...the Totally Worthless D.N.R...and the reintroduction of a Species that was never here....(so how they can call it reintroduction I don't know).The canadian Timber Wolf..There are very few Deer left in Upper Michigan....and it very seldom that You see a Doe...let alone a Doe with a yearling still with her....the Wolves Get them....I hope and Pray that States like Kansas...Iowa....Nebraska all wise up before they go the way of Michigan.....and it will happen I can almost guarantee it....All it took back Home was the Deer Herd being Stressed by Overhunting....then a Bad Winter and a large case of Pneumonia...then the Introduction of a Major Predator to Boot....and it has been a Downhill Slide for the Upper Michigan deer Herd now for over 10 Years....with no hope in the near future I will quit Ranting.......... ;D

Its okay El Destructo I am waiving my hand in the air,you have my blessing to rant.We are men and this is the only place we can rant without getting whopped upside the head with a frying pan.

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2009, 03:12:20 am »
I really just don't like weekend warriors who hunt only for the horns.  Up here in Alaska we have a wanton waste law.  If you shoot oa moose here you have to harvest all the meat.  If you don't you are fined and loose the horns.

We have a saying up here in rural Alaska, "You can't eat horns."

Lately the fish and game has been leaning towards horn hunting by requiring a 50 inch antler requirement.  It's all about horns for the recreational hunters.  Local people in rural Alaska do it for the meat.

I know wasted meat tick every one off, but keep in mind that at least some critters got to eat.  In truth nature never allows waste, someone or something always puts it to use.

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #34 on: December 25, 2009, 01:12:34 am »
I agree with allot that has been posted on this thread. In the since that nothing goes to waist as Josey Wales said in the movie even the buzzards have to eat.I know that sounds odd coming from me, since I started this thread but I feel there is a distinct difference between those that harvest illegally and those that kill for fun.I do feel it safe to say though,  The man/woman that harvest out of need will leave know sign because of necessity. The trophy hunters are out for one thing though and thats the racks. Sad to say though these trophy hunters pay for the tags to ,to pursue the same game that we do.However must of thoughs that are the trophy hunters come from backgrounds that are well financed,there is a ranch not to far from springfield that is owned by a vary famous and rich person. He comes into town during are deer season has little houses built on four by four post with padded seats and sliding windows ,stocked with beer for him and his buddies. They hire a photographer to sit in these stands to take pictures of the bucks hitting the feeders in front of the stands.He looks at the pictures of the bigest buck, sits in that stand ,after he shoots the deer ,calls to the house they pick him up in the ranch jeep and they take him back to the house. They come back find his deer ,pick it up send it the taxidermy shop .After that they take him back to the airport he gets on his private jet and flies back home .The mount gets hung up on the wall back at the house.This same person had a ten foot dam built across the rive on his property then had his lawyers flown in to fight the legal battle. Its sad to say its the almighty dollar  as in the case of the wolfs up in Hawks area he who has the gold will do as he pleases.
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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #35 on: December 25, 2009, 02:20:25 am » said a Mouthfull...You ought to try and live in the Same Area as T. Boone Pickens...if ya don't know the Name....Google it! He not only took all of the Open Land here in the Panhandle to Hunt away from Us in Court....He now has a Billion Dollar Ranch built on the Land that He stole...and has his Rich Friends come in and Stay at this 5 Star Ranch and Hunt Big Game (He has His own Wildlife Biologist on Staff) on His Ranch....They take the Racks...and then He advertises for People to come and pick up the Carcasses from His Meat Lockers on His of Yesterday...they has 43 still in the Freezers trying to give them away....mostly all intact...some missing Backstraps and little else...I guess it could be worse...He could be just tossing them into a Pit and burying them......pisses Me off...what Money can get away with....... >:(
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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #36 on: December 25, 2009, 12:24:49 pm »
I hear you EL D aleast he is giving out the carcassess to those that want them. I would bet the same guy that has the ranch up here ,hunts that ranch down there his main home is in Dallas.
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Springfield Mo home of  Kids,Tomato's and Tornado's

Offline El Destructo

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #37 on: December 25, 2009, 02:39:49 pm »
                If He's Rich or in Politics....I bet he has a Cottage reserved at the Ranch every Deer and Quail Season......
As a species we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up ways to kill one another.Why do you think we invented politics and religion.
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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #38 on: December 27, 2009, 10:16:16 pm »
Man, you see the picture of T. Boone Pickens and his wife on that brochure? She has one more facelift, her bellybutton will be on her chin!  :o

These people are just sick. Too much of anything is a bad thing and too much money obviously is.
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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2010, 01:22:01 am »
I always thought it would be cool to be rich like that till I saw the morals and ethics those peaple have.
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Offline BigErn

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2010, 01:43:18 am »
I always thought it would be cool to be rich like that till I saw the morals and ethics those people have.
     You hit the nail on the head! Alot of people,the more money they have,the less morals they have!
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 01:47:12 am by BigErn »
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