Author Topic: Since it's the New Year shortly and a time to be thankful, I gotta tell ya.....!  (Read 6279 times)

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Offline woodstick

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you can make a difference by yourself, but it makes a bigger difference when we work together so kudos to you also and to all that is on here.
a drawn bow is a stick 9/10 broken

Offline Justin Snyder

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George, you are my hero. I have learned a lot from you on building bows. My next goal is to learn your patience and wisdom. You aren't just a great bowyer, but an outstanding person. We are all better to have associated with people like you.

As for hard knocks. I had it a little easier. I spent 6 years never making a single shaving because trying to find someone who could teach me bowyering. I struggled through my first bow, not knowing about PA or TBB and having no idea where to start. When I discovered PA it was an amazing revelation. It is good to be here.
Everything happens for a reason, sometimes the reason is you made a bad decision.

SW Utah

Offline Mudd

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Hey Jawge, just look around and see all these good folks that you got fooled thinking you're an old sage of a bowyer. You ain't that But I have seen some of your work and I have to say it ain't too shabby for a northern yankee
God bless you brother.

I think the problem is when I find someone's chain just laying around, I can't help myself, I just gotsta yank on it..
Trying to make a difference
Psalm 37:4
God bless
Roy L"Mudd" Williams

Offline rileyconcrete

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I can say I am a newbie. to date only three bows made and I used help and the comments from all of the great knowledge on this site. And also jawges website. Thanks to all of you, If it wasnt for this site I may have given up by now, but I can truly say I am hooked.
Tell Riley

Offline Keenan

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George, you are my hero. I have learned a lot from you on building bows. My next goal is to learn your patience and wisdom. You aren't just a great bowyer, but an outstanding person. We are all better to have associated with people like you.

 I second what Justin said and and what you said as well. This site is a great tool and awesome community as well. No matter how old we get there is still more to learn ;D


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jawge,, ive always enjoyed your posts over the years!! believe me when i say the pleasure is mine!!...the best of holidays too your family my friend!... i too feel the same, great bunch over here at PA......snake

Offline George Tsoukalas

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Thank you all for the positive comments but let's give the people at PA all the credit. Thank you once again to everyone at the PA community. :) Jawge
Set Happens!
If you ain't breakin' you ain't makin!

Offline sulphur

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i gotta say i tried making a bow without any help or knowledge IT WAS A DISASTER.  then i found a few sites which was better.  It was still 6 months till i found PA and it been so much easier from that point on.  Thanks PA!! Thanks Jawge, PatB, Keenan, Justin Synder, Ryano and the list goes on and on and on.

Offline mullet

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 Merry Christmas, George and thank you for all the knowledge and wisdom you have vollunteered. You are one of the veterans I haven't met in person, but I feel like I know you.  I, like you, wish the internet had been around when I was first breaking sticks and rocks.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline ricktrojanowski

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Very well said, and Thank you as well for sharing all of your knowledge.  You and the other veterens of the bow make it much easier for beginners like myself.  So here's a toast to you and to all.  I'm going for the Ouzo in your honor.   ;D
Traverse City, MI

Offline Pappy

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Thank you also George,you add a a lot to this site. :)I agree with you completely.Well said.
Hope yall have a merry Christmas and great new Year. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
Life is Good

Offline George Tsoukalas

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Thank you, my friends. Let us celebrate this site though. It is a tremendous resource for the beginner and for the veteran. A place to ask questions and get answers from all wood bowyers (there! I said it! Bowyers!).  Bowyers who have rolled up their sleeves and made honest to goodness selfbows capable of taking any animal on this planet.  Down to earth practical knowledge. Humble people willing to share their knowledge for the advancement of our great pastime. That's a good thing because if we don't pass it on we'll loose it. Every time I build a bow I toast my Dad who passed on his love of working wood to me and if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be making bows I raise my cup ( Kcup coffee, 8:15 AM EST) to you! He never lived to see any of my bows. I know he'd be proud. Rick,  I'll toast later with a bit of Ouzo. Ya sas! To you! Jawge
Set Happens!
If you ain't breakin' you ain't makin!

Offline Swamp Bow

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Jawge, you should not be the one saying thanks, the PA community needs to be thanking you.  It's because of people like you that PA and all of the other information that a beginner like myself has it so "good".  Thank you and your "partners in crime".

From the middle of a swamp in SW Florida.

Offline Buckeye Guy

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Merry Christmas to all !! Thanks for the hours & hours of enjoyment you provide!!! The only problem I find on PA is I don't get much time to work on bows as all my time goes to reading what you guys are doing Thanks again and God Bless You All !!!!!!! Life is good in Ohio too                                                             GUY
Guy Dasher
The Marshall Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Primitive Archery Society
Having  fun
To God be the glory !

Offline Badger

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      Back at ya Jawge, I spent a few years struggling on my own before I found Jawges sight. The only bows I made that wouldn't break were ones I had backed with fiberglass, 1st bow I made with Jawges online instructions shot like a champ and I was hooked from then on. Steve