Author Topic: AVATAR  (Read 53453 times)

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Offline recurve shooter

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« Reply #90 on: January 20, 2010, 11:00:48 am »
Can't believe it made to Hillbillyburg before it made here to Yoopersville :(


wow im glad i saw this post i thought it was gunna be a waste of time. gotta go see it now. still dont think it can top inglorious bastards or zombieland.  ;D
lets just shoot it

Offline medicinewheel

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« Reply #91 on: January 31, 2010, 07:49:21 am »
I downloaded this from German archery side Fletcher's Corner; there was a prop, so there must have been a bowyer who made the bows (at least the chief's bow), it was not just virtual.
Does anyone have an idea who that was???

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Frank from Germany...

Offline medicinewheel

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« Reply #92 on: January 31, 2010, 07:51:14 am »
Ps: some FC guys are working on replicas of this bow and it seems to be functional!
Frank from Germany...

Offline DanaM

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« Reply #93 on: January 31, 2010, 09:45:46 am »
Still waiting for it get here >:(
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Offline leapingbare

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« Reply #94 on: January 31, 2010, 01:50:52 pm »
Me and Abby went to see it last night.. Freaking Awesome!!! we were gonna go see it at the IMAX in Nashville but with the snow and all we decided to just see it 3d here in town and i am glad i did not go see it in IMAX because now i got a excuse to go watch it again today at the IMAX :P
Mililani Hawaii

Offline El Destructo

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« Reply #95 on: January 31, 2010, 02:20:31 pm »
I told you it was Awesone's the Only Movie....that My WIfe ever said that She wanted to stay and watch it again..... ;D
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Offline medicinewheel

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« Reply #96 on: January 31, 2010, 03:17:52 pm »
I've watched it 5 x's so far; 3 times on the net and twice at the movies.
Spoke to my buddy in Australia this morning (evening his time), he is not much of a movie goer and he just came back from watching it the second time.
I might give it another go with some friends sometime soon...
Frank from Germany...

Offline Dane

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« Reply #97 on: February 01, 2010, 08:52:57 pm »
Can anyone address the story itself? I ask this as I started looking around, and heard the film fails on numerous levels. Everyone who reviewed it says it is technologically stunning, but the acting was dismal, the characters were cardboard, the storyline has massive plot holes, it's jingoistic and racist, and the technology Cameron uses is just eye candy to hide the lack of substance. The stuff the evil humans are trying to steal is called unobtanium. Yikes.

Cameron also seems to be cultivating some myths about himself. One is that Titanic was the biggest grossing movie of all time. That was either Gone With the Wind or Birth of a Nation. Birth of a Nation played in theaters in the south for decades, so I tend to think that is probably true.

I will rent this when it comes out later on DVD, so maybe it is as great as some say it is. But a film with sucky dialogue flops as a story to me. Titanic was aweful in a lot of ways, but it did look pretty, even if the script was wretched. For pure dialogue, Inglorious Basterds was brilliant, and the cast was amazing. And any movie Hitler is killed in has to be good :)

Greenfield, Western Massachusetts

Offline Hillbilly

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« Reply #98 on: February 01, 2010, 11:30:29 pm »
The plot was predictable, I knew pretty much what was going to happen before halfway through the movie. The characters were pretty stereotypical. Borrowed a lot from Dances With Wolves and Dinotopia. But the setting and visuals were more than impressive enough to carry a predictable movie and keep it interesting. 1000x better than Titanic. Haven't seen Inglorius Basterds yet, but I like most of Terrantino's movies.
Smoky Mountains, NC

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Offline mullet

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« Reply #99 on: February 01, 2010, 11:52:22 pm »
 Dane, I just read in USA Today that It is really 23ird on the list compared to value of money at the time and the amount of people viewing it. Gone With the Wind is number one.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline stickbender

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« Reply #100 on: February 02, 2010, 02:47:11 am »

     Careful, Dane, Eddie, is a plant.  He is working for the big mining interest, and only pretends to be interested in paleo technology, and such, he is just playing along, so the inhabitants, will show him where the ohmygodthatstuffisexpensiveite mineral is...... :o......or was that in the movie...... ::)

Offline medicinewheel

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« Reply #101 on: February 02, 2010, 07:00:24 am »
I can say yes to each and every statement you quoted, Dane, it is stereotype in so many ways (wouldn't call it racist, but I fully understand what makes critics say so!), but still, even the fifth time watching caught me from minute one, and when it was over I again thought, boy, that went quick, even so my tail bone was aching  ;D ;D ;D
Hard to describe; many I know say the same...
Frank from Germany...

Offline Dane

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« Reply #102 on: February 02, 2010, 07:57:10 am »
I'd say Inglorious is his best work by far, including Death Proof and Reservoir Dogs.

Thanks for the feedback. I think I'll save my money then. Probably this film is one you almost have to see in 3D, or at least on a theater-sized screen. Probably, it was designed that way to make as much money as possible before it becomes available on disk. Cameron is if nothing else knows how to make block busters, like Lucas. Too bad they can't write anything original anymore. And when the technology replaces acting and writing, it can't be good for an industry it is supposed to help.


The plot was predictable, I knew pretty much what was going to happen before halfway through the movie. The characters were pretty stereotypical. Borrowed a lot from Dances With Wolves and Dinotopia. But the setting and visuals were more than impressive enough to carry a predictable movie and keep it interesting. 1000x better than Titanic. Haven't seen Inglorius Basterds yet, but I like most of Terrantino's movies.
Greenfield, Western Massachusetts

Offline Barrage

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« Reply #103 on: February 02, 2010, 11:36:51 am »
But really, has anyone seen a non-predictable movie lately??  Truely good movies with unpredictable storylines are few and far between.  Many that try end up beyond bizarre or out of the realm of possibility (unlike tall blue aliens lol ;)) that leave you thinking, 'well, that was stupid...'

Myself, I went because of the archery and also wanted to see if 3D was all it was cracked up to be.  The 3D was awesome, there was lots of archery which exceded expectations, and for myself, I thought it was one of the better movies I've seen in a long time so, I was happy!!  :)

Offline Dane

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« Reply #104 on: February 02, 2010, 02:28:05 pm »
It is said that there are only 7 plots. Man vs nature, man vs. man, man vs. environment, man vs. machines / technology, man vs. self, and man vs. god or religion.

Another way of looking at plot is quest, voyage and return, comedy, tragedy, rebirth, rags to riches or poor to rich, and defeating a monster / monsters.

All these plots and themes can be included in a story. Lord of the Rings, for instance, is a quest above all else, as well as a voyage and return, with comedy, lots of tragedy, rebirth for Gandolf, Golum (sp?) Frodo and other characters, and it follows the man vs. man, man vs. machines (since Tolkien considered technology and magic I think one and the same in the case of the bad guys), man vs. self, and even man vs. god if you consider Sauron a god who demands to be worshiped by his slaves and followers. In Rocky, it is primarily man vs. man, and man vs. himself. In Little Red Riding Hood, it is man vs. nature, as was that movie about the soccer team who had to engage in cannibalism to survive a plane crash in the Andes. Bla bla bla.

I guess in the end, if it entertains you, a movie is a success. Sounds like a bunch of you really liked this thing.

Greenfield, Western Massachusetts