I prefer tru oil too.
I have made similar finishes, but they do not dry as fast as tru-oil; I can't figure out the catalyst they use and they keep that information under wraps!
The problem with most boiled linseed oil is that it is not boiled, it is cheaper for the manufactorers to add dryers instead.
I make my finishes by heating the linseed oil in the microwave until it darkens in colour. That is usually about 4-5minutes for about 300mls. It will not boil unless you put in boiling chips. The boiling is unneccessary anyway, what you want is high temperature and the corresponding colour change in the oil, and of course, an understanding wife;D, because it stinks when you cook it.
A recipe I have used with good results is:
60% Boiled Linseed oil
20% Tung oil
15% Spar varrnish
5% vegetable turps
I mix all these ingredients together when cold and then add another (about) 4% terbebine by volume to the mix (you can by this at paint shops)
The results is a good, durable and lusterous finish which is easially repaired. It does take time to dry though; at least 24 hours for the 1st coat and 12 hours for each corresponding coat. Mix it up in small volumes because it will harden in the jar after about 2 years