Hey guys!
OK so I was wondering about handle placement. Generally when i make a bow i find the center of the bow. I make a line to mark it, then i find the size of hand going to shoot and put that measurement on either side of the center. So That way you canshoot at center, and still comfortably hold the bow. I've seen, bows with 4 1'2" - 6" handleswith the center of the bow in the center of the handle. Making it shoot somewhat about center. I have also seenbows with the handle below center, and then one limb is longer then the other.
With my method, there is less limb bending, due to the added handle space, though both limbs bend symmetrical (if all designs were the same length)
with the second placement, both limbs bend the same, but your shooting a few inches off center.
And the third placement, you have an asymmetrical tiller.
What are the pros and cons of all these for prefromance