Author Topic: 250 pounder attempt  (Read 74013 times)

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Re: 250 pounder attempt
« Reply #30 on: February 04, 2010, 11:00:34 pm »
Two hundred and fifty pounds, holy smoke!

Offline CraigMBeckett

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Re: 250 pounder attempt
« Reply #31 on: February 05, 2010, 05:00:00 am »

its been 7 weeks since we last heard from you on this attempt. Have you given up?

Offline RyanY

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Re: 250 pounder attempt
« Reply #32 on: February 05, 2010, 08:21:34 pm »
"Have you given up?"

That's nice. I've been keeping in touch with him seeing as how we're working on this together. I don't know if he's attempted to make the 250#er yet but I do know he said its going to be easier than you guys think.

Skeptics: Try and make one to see for yourself.

Offline adb

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Re: 250 pounder attempt
« Reply #33 on: February 06, 2010, 03:41:13 pm »
I can't wait to see this 250#er, and I can't wait to see you shooting it. After all, it'll be a new world record.

Offline RyanY

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Re: 250 pounder attempt
« Reply #34 on: February 06, 2010, 06:38:56 pm »
Didn't say I could, just said I'd try.  ;D

Offline Steve Cover

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Re: 250 pounder attempt
« Reply #35 on: February 06, 2010, 08:13:30 pm »
250# draw bow????

Wow!  I thought I was pushing this with my 82# recurve.

Very impressive.

I know this may sound stupid on my part, but, what in the heck do you shoot with such a bow, fletched shovel handles???

Seriously, a brief discussion of the arrows used along with what Spline such an arrow would have is appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Offline CraigMBeckett

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Re: 250 pounder attempt
« Reply #36 on: February 06, 2010, 08:45:55 pm »

Why you are getting involved with answering a question directed at someone else? On December 14th  Rudderbows stated "This next weekend are the first glue ups for the big monster bow. Cant wait to finish the week ion the shop to give it a try." and I have been waiting for the results but have only heard silence.

Contrary to your implication I believe a 250 lb bow can be made, of course it can if you make it long and wide enough, I just do not believe it can be pulled by one man.

If as you claim "we're working on this together" why do you not know what he is doing? If you are working on it what precisely are you doing?

By the way If one is skeptical about the possibility of such a bow why would one attempt to build one, it would be illogical.


Offline RyanY

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Re: 250 pounder attempt
« Reply #37 on: February 06, 2010, 09:20:32 pm »
Well he doesn't have a deadline so I just thought the way you asked was a little rude but I could have misinterpreted. I mean we don't have any face to face interaction anymore with computers so it's kind of killing human contact.

Well as I said earlier, I told rudderbows that I would try and draw the bow once he made it. So what he did was make me a work up bow so I can get my strength up for drawing this bow. I've been in touch with him about this but anything he chooses to tell me is what I know. I don't ask because we're all busy folks and I doubt he wants me nagging on him about how this is going.

I've been making weekly videos of my progress if you want to see.

And lets say there are two people with different ideas. One thinks that one can build a 250#er, the other thinks it can't be done. Doesn't it make more sense to make an attempt and prove it can't be done rather than not attempt it at all and still question it in ones mind? I'm actually thinking about making one of these my self when I get the chance.  ;D

Anyways, I want to see what's going on as much as you guys but when he does it he does it.

Offline adb

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Re: 250 pounder attempt
« Reply #38 on: February 06, 2010, 09:36:36 pm »
ryoon... you're missing the point. I'm sure a 1000# bow could be made, but no human alive could shoot it. Mark Stretton holds the current world record of 200#, and that's at a proper 32'' draw length. He has spent YEARS gettng to that point. Don't you think it's a bit arrogant to think you're going to be able to shoot a 250# bow after a few months?? And I'm talking about shooting it properly... at 30-32" of draw.

Offline adb

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Re: 250 pounder attempt
« Reply #39 on: February 06, 2010, 09:38:55 pm »
250# draw bow????

Wow!  I thought I was pushing this with my 82# recurve.

Very impressive.

I know this may sound stupid on my part, but, what in the heck do you shoot with such a bow, fletched shovel handles???

Seriously, a brief discussion of the arrows used along with what Spline such an arrow would have is appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Steve... google english warbow society. They have arrow specs for these heavy bows on their website.

Offline RyanY

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Re: 250 pounder attempt
« Reply #40 on: February 06, 2010, 10:00:03 pm »
Well I can't wait to see that 1000# bow. JK. I don't think thats the point though. I think 1: It will be fun to make a bow that heavy and 2: If anyone could draw it that would be amazing. I never said I thought I could draw it. And if it takes years to do it then so be it. I'm almost 20. Lets talk in ten years.  :D

Offline adb

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Re: 250 pounder attempt
« Reply #41 on: February 06, 2010, 10:07:41 pm »
ryoon... I watched your youtube videos. You're drawing a 110# bow about 24 or 25". You have 140# and about 6-8" to go. I truly wish you luck, son. I feel truly satisfied that the limit of human ability is about 200#, with a lifetime of getting there. Don't you think it's a bit arrogant thinking you'll break the current world record by 20% after only a few months?
I currently shoot what you're pulling (110#), but to 32", not 25". I have been shooting my entire life. I think it very unrealistic to presume I could pull off what you're claiming. Give this some thought, before you hurt yourself.

Offline RyanY

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Re: 250 pounder attempt
« Reply #42 on: February 06, 2010, 10:16:32 pm »
Well the bow is 110#@28" and 149#@33". I've drawn a 120#@32" bow to 32" but I think that just because the weight is the same doesn't mean that I can necessarily draw this bow back to where it's 120# just because of the forces at play. I'm not saying that the human limit isn't 200#. I'm just saying lets try and find out with out killing ourselves. Again, I never said I would get there, and never said I would get there after a few months. I simply want to draw the heaviest bow I can without hurting myself. But heck, 110#@32" is pretty good for an old man adb. JK  ;)

Offline adb

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Re: 250 pounder attempt
« Reply #43 on: February 06, 2010, 11:22:25 pm »
Can you post some pics of you drawing this 120# bow at 32" please? Why can't you draw the 110# bow to 32" on youtube? Show us. And yes, perhaps I'm an old man, with several children older than yourself, so don't be cheeky. With age comes realism and wisdom.  ;) I think perhaps the enthusiasm and bravado of youth are getting the better of you.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 11:31:26 pm by adb »

Offline rudderbows

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Re: 250 pounder attempt
« Reply #44 on: February 07, 2010, 12:04:25 am »
No have not given up at all.   I made a 185 at 28" so far  and didnt draw it past 29 so I am not sure what weight it is at 32.  I dont think it will be a challenge to finish the 250 pounder. I cant even shoot an 80 pounder let alone 250.  Not sure if anyone will be able to master the 250 beast.  I will be sending Marlon his bow in about 10 days from today.   
 The first bow for Ryan was about 170-180 at 32" but we talked about it and it was not reasonable for him to work up to it without a lighter bow which is what I sent him. Ryan has been working up on the bow he has form us now and each week has showed improvement. this is kinda dangerous for Ryan and has be worked up slowely. Its not worth anyone getting hurt, No need to rush Ryan. i will check out the You tube video of the dutch warbow draw like you said. its interesting that there is alot more to technique than meets the eye.