Well he doesn't have a deadline so I just thought the way you asked was a little rude but I could have misinterpreted. I mean we don't have any face to face interaction anymore with computers so it's kind of killing human contact.
Well as I said earlier, I told rudderbows that I would try and draw the bow once he made it. So what he did was make me a work up bow so I can get my strength up for drawing this bow. I've been in touch with him about this but anything he chooses to tell me is what I know. I don't ask because we're all busy folks and I doubt he wants me nagging on him about how this is going.
I've been making weekly videos of my progress if you want to see.
http://www.youtube.com/user/ryoonitAnd lets say there are two people with different ideas. One thinks that one can build a 250#er, the other thinks it can't be done. Doesn't it make more sense to make an attempt and prove it can't be done rather than not attempt it at all and still question it in ones mind? I'm actually thinking about making one of these my self when I get the chance.

Anyways, I want to see what's going on as much as you guys but when he does it he does it.