Thanks again everyone
I don't think I need to brag about aspirin, everyone seemed thoroughly impresed I just hit the ping pong ball! Even better, there were several witness during rehearsal where I hit a ping pong ball and got it lodged on the fletchings. There weren't that many people there... but it's nice to show off in front of pretty girls once in a while 
damn right.
my buddie (who went with me to MOJAM) kept bragging that i could hit a hanging tennis ball hanging on a string 30 yards away, and a couple girls called him on it, so he brought in a video, which they still didn't believe.
finally they insisted on coming over to see, and I said, "okay, how about i cut the string its hanging on from 30 yards away"? I didn't mention that it is actually easier for me

since i find the elevation at that range to be an issue, more so than the windage.
cut it on the second shot (hit it lightly on the first) so they come over every once in awhile to watch us shoot, and have even tried it themselves

this was with a judo though, not a broadhead or field point.......
congrats Kegan, that is really really cool. I'm sure i would gotten stage fright and missed every time, how did you keep your focus?
in my school they would call the cops for me suggesting the idea