Well, my frame fell apart right before the curtain opened on my act. So we bandaged it up with duct tape and Bucci's drill (he's a fellow senior but he basically runs the school

). Anyway, so I was pretty frazzled and what not and wasn't shooting my best. People still clapped, but misses aren't that impressive!
So I go through: normal shot, kneeling, backwards (missed the first), foot shot, mirror (barely caught the target), behind my head... and then the arials.
The first was a 12" ice cream container lid. Big, easy to hit. But when the arrow smacked it everyone was impressed. Next came a coffee can lid, about 7". Same thing. Finally the ping pong ball. Missed once. Twice. I looked at the audience, smiled and motioned "1 more". Sent it flying:)
In the end I got first place. I'm just glad I actually hit that dang ping pong ball

No pictures, and I only have a video of practice at the moment... and it won't load on photobucket

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