Yeah Destructo it's hard to see that sort of thing happen especially right after someones funeral, later on we found out that a rifle he had out in the shop was also missing. My Grandpa always said if someone was willing to thief something they must need it worse than you
The really important part for me was being able to get to know him better, I was adopted by my Dad and my childhood was truly a mixed up situation like pretty much everyone else
, but my Grandpa was one of the neatest people I ever met. I remember the first time we went out to their house so I could meet them and my Grandma answered the door and answered my Dads question of where my Grandpa was real casual. "Oh hes out on that motorcycle of his trying to rope prairie dogs." Of course I was 7 or 8 at the time and roping prairie dogs didn't sound that ridiculous to me, it actually sounded down right practicle and fun. Apparently someone was building a new grain elevator and they had a prairie dog village where the site was and they were going to poison them. My Grandpa was sort of a conservationist, he tried to bring red squirrels to the panhandle and had two or three living around his house when he died that he had raised, but that's another story. He decided he was going to relocate the prairie dog village to an area where they wouldn't be bothered though and went to ropin'. I think he got 15 or 20 relocated before they decided to just go ahead and do the deed faster. Those are the things that can't be taken away though I guess is what I am getting at, so they got his stuff, but I have his memories. I win