George Nagel was the first person I met when i became interested in bow building about 5 years ago, had i known what an accomplished bowyer he was at the time i would have spent a lot more time with him before he retired.
I saw a posting on another forum that he and another bowyer from MN were getting together to build bows one weekend, so i kind of invited myself to George's house. What i learned is that George and Chad Holm (the other MN bowyer that was there) are two of the nicest guys around. Chad was getting into building FG bows so he gave me all the osage and HHB staves he had on hand, about 12 osage and 2 or 3 HHB. George gave me one of the nicest osage staves i have ever seen, i still have that one, i'm waiting for it to call my name for a special bow, but i think i can hear it murmur at me when i walk by it

Chad now hosts a bow building weekend every summer at his place in brainerd, i've tried to get George to come to it, but he's so hard to get a hold of.
I wish George were still active online, but i sure can't blame him for retiring, i think he moved to his cabin in Wisconsin? lucky guy