This is my latest bow, Its a laburnum takedown. 66" knock to knock. Pulling 47# @28". Laburnum is an amazing wood, a little tricky to season as the sapwood really wants to check. I have tried lots of different methods of drying and found it best to leave the bark on if you can. If you take the bark off you really have to wrap it in cling film. Once the log is split it also pays to take off the wood near the pith, as this is also an area under a lot of tension and wants to check. Like Yew this wood is strong in compresion, so I chose a crowned belly elb style bow. I had heard that the sapwood is weak in tension, I don't think this is true so if you do manage to get hold of some laburnum try and leave the sapwood on as it makes for a great looking bow. Also like Osage the wood darkens with age, all in all this has to be my favorite bow wood.
This bow came in a little light, I was aiming for 55#, but as I made this bow to take with me on long canoe trips, I figure I will appreciate it being a little on the light side after a hard days paddling.



Hope you like it.