Author Topic: Laburnum take down  (Read 18629 times)

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Offline Dano

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Re: Laburnum take down
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2009, 03:03:57 pm »
Beautiful wood, excellent bow. Nice work.
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Offline nathan elliot

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Re: Laburnum take down
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2009, 05:52:33 pm »
Nat, where do you get all that laburnum??
Really nice bow!

The wood for this bow came from a neighbours garden, I stopped by one day and mentioned that if she ever intended to cut the tree, that I would be very interested. She said it needed trimming so I offered to do it for her and give her garden a brush up after. She was so pleased and so was I! Since then I have been to see some arborists in the area, they told me a lot of people who have children like to have the trees removed from their gardens because of the poison flowers and seeds. I now have a nice little hoard that should last me a couple of years.

great looking bow there. :) i'm curious how you made the sleeve in the take down section.  i can see that as a great canoe bow. have you practiced actually shooting out of a canoe? that is one i haven't played with yet, but have entertained the idea.

The sleeve came from 3rivers archery. I have yet to try shooting from my canoe, I hope to give it a go this coming summer.

Very  nice  work, is  this  your  first take-down? How  much  more  work  did  you  feel  you  had  to  put  into this  project,  being  a  take-down?

Yeah this is my first take down. To be honest I think it is just as easy to make a take down as a normal bow. I am going to make another one for my wife in the new year. I will take loads of photos and do a bit of a build along if you like. I shaped the limbs quite a bit before i glued on the sleeves, mainly because I didn't know if the billets would make a bow and didn't want to wreck my only take down sleeve.

Great looking bow. How long does it take to cure it out wrapped as you described?

I harvested this wood in April of this year. I split the log took off the bark, removed the pith, then wrapped it in clingfilm. I kept checking it every couple of weeks to make sure it wasn't checking. I took the cling film off in September and started the bow in November. I use dry heat to correct any wobbly bits, I figure this drops the moisture quite a bit. However I was really impatient to get started on this bow so I rushed the drying process a bit. I have a stave that has been seasoning for over a year, the wood is much darker and I bet will make a better bow.

The tips are buffalo horn overlays-

Thanks for all your kind words, It is great to get feedback from some of the best bowyers around.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2009, 05:57:34 pm by nathan elliot »

Offline medicinewheel

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Re: Laburnum take down
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2009, 06:05:56 pm »


... Since then I have been to see some arborists in the area, they told me a lot of people who have children like to have the trees removed from their gardens because of the poison flowers and seeds. I now have a nice little hoard that should last me a couple of years.

I have one stave that I got from a friend who cut it for that same reason, but that's it; I have not really seen any more that would make a bow. Well maybe I have to look closer...
Frank from Germany...

Offline gmc

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Re: Laburnum take down
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2009, 07:08:49 pm »
Always a bit of magic in these bows......
Central Kentucky

Offline sulphur

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Re: Laburnum take down
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2009, 10:47:51 pm »
what do laburnum look like.  never heard of it that i know of.   sweet looking bow!!

Offline ricktrojanowski

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Re: Laburnum take down
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2009, 11:16:20 pm »
That is a classy bow.  The tiller looks perfect, as does the finish work.  You should be very proud of that one, you did a fantastic job.
Traverse City, MI

Offline OldBow

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Re: Laburnum take down
« Reply #21 on: December 05, 2009, 12:45:19 am »
Great craftsmanship here. And look at the tiller!1 Bookmarked, too, for Self BOM (December)
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Offline kayakfisher

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Re: Laburnum take down
« Reply #22 on: December 05, 2009, 01:13:26 am »
That is a very nice bow ,great craftmanship ,and excellent photos to
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Offline Cooper

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Re: Laburnum take down
« Reply #23 on: December 05, 2009, 10:46:44 am »
Just a fantastic bow - and the take-down-opportunity is the icing on the cake.

@ sulphur: Look at this -
Niels Böttcher - "Cooper" (PA) = "Botjer" (FC+FA)
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Re: Laburnum take down
« Reply #24 on: December 05, 2009, 10:56:24 am »
Very nice, I like that.

Offline barebo

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Re: Laburnum take down
« Reply #25 on: December 05, 2009, 11:17:15 am »
I feel the need to add compliments here also!!! That is simply elegant in all aspects - I'd be very proud to have created that bow!!
Is Laburnum an actual tree, or a woody shrub?? What part of the U.S. has it as I'm in the Northeast ?? I'd love to try my hand at one - the character is inviting. Great work !!!

Offline medicinewheel

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Re: Laburnum take down
« Reply #26 on: December 05, 2009, 01:03:04 pm »
It's more like woody scrub, but the stems can grow quite large.
As far as I know laburnum is of  Asian origin, but has been brought to Europe sort of early; ELBs have been made from it in late middleages.
It's really poisonous!
Frank from Germany...

Offline sulphur

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Re: Laburnum take down
« Reply #27 on: December 05, 2009, 01:04:21 pm »
thanks cooper.  hard to miss that one.  with the yellow blossoms and beans pods.

Offline nathan elliot

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Re: Laburnum take down
« Reply #28 on: December 05, 2009, 01:31:43 pm »
Thanks guys, your feedback means a great deal to me. I have been admiring the bows on this site for ages, It is the stuff I have gleaned from this site that has pushed me to make better and better bows.

Seeing as there is quite a bit of interest in Laburnum I thought it might be a good idea to share some info about its toxicity. From what I can gather seasoned wood contains very little poison, its the bark, seed and flowers you have got to watch. I recived this info from a very tallented wood carver in the u.k who uses seasoned laburnum for spoons and bowls!!!

The main toxin in laburnum is cytisine, a quinolizidine alkaloid. This toxic constituent occurs mainly in Laburnum seeds and bark, but also in all parts of the plant according to Dauncey ed. 2000 from which the following information has been extracted:

Latin name: LABURNUM spp.


Family: Leguminosae

Category in HTA Code (1994) and (2000): B, CAUTION toxic if eaten

This taxon includes common laburnum (Laburnum anagyroides Medik.), Scotch laburnum (L. aplinum (Mill.) Bercht. and Presl.), and the hybrid between these two species, L. x watereri (Kirchn..) Dipp.

Circumstances of exposure: Common trees of gardens and parks. The fruits (pods) and seeds may be eaten in mistake for edible peas, particularly by children, and the flowers for false acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia).

Poisonous parts: All parts, particularly the bark and seeds.

Main toxins: Cytisine, a quinolizidine alkaloid.

Summary: Ingestion of Laburnum usually causes only gastrointestinal upset. Severe intoxication, which is rare, may result in neurological symptoms.

Author: Marie Pickford

[see Quinolizidine Alkaloids entry]

In Laburnum species, the cytisine content of the seeds is 1.5-3.0%, leaves 0.35%, and fruits 0.2% (Bruneton, 1996). It has been stated that the leaves become less toxic and the flowers and fruits more so as the season progresses (Cooper, 1974 cited in Cooper and Johnson, 1998).

Clinical effects
Ingestion: [see Quinolizidine Alkaloids entry].

Case reports
Two 10-year-old girls ate 5 and 10 fruits of Laburnum anagyroides. Both developed nausea and vomiting and were pale and tachycardic. Both were given activated charcoal and were discharged well the next day. The plant was identified by a botanist (NPIS (London) case report 98/112974).

Nine people (7 adults; 2 children aged 12 and 13) who had eaten fritters containing Laburnum anagyroides flowers developed symptoms 2-3 hours later including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, muscle tremors, dilated pupils and dizziness. They all underwent a gastric lavage and recovered fully within 48 hours. The flowers had been used in mistake for false acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia) to flavour the fritters. Cytisine was detected in the urine of two of the patients (Furet et al., 1986).

A 50-year-old paranoid schizophrenic died with no witnessed clinical symptoms following ingestion of Laburnum anagyroides fruits. He had also taken his normal therapeutic dose of chlorpromazine. He was found collapsed and deeply cyanosed. There was no evidence of vomiting. Ten minutes previously he was reported by a nurse to have been asleep in bed. At post-mortem examination 23 fruits closely resembling Laburnum anagyroides were found in the stomach. Toxicological analysis showed that 35-50 mg cytisine had been absorbed. The time to death following ingestion of a large quantity of a cytisine-containing plant material is unknown, but is thought to be rapid, perhaps within minutes (Richards and Stephens, 1970).


Cytisine (also known as baptitoxine, citisine, sophorine, and ulexine (Harborne et al., 1996)) is potentially very toxic and acts in the same way as nicotine, first stimulating and then depressing the central nervous system; death may occur from respiratory paralysis (Dale and Laidlaw, 1912). Serious symptoms are rare, possibly because of the emetic effect of cytisine. The lethal dose is estimated to be 0.5 mg/kg body weight (Bramley and Goulding, 1981). In Laburnum species, the cytisine content of the seeds is 1.5-3.0%, leaves 0.35%, and fruits 0.2% (Bruneton, 1996).

Other quinolizidine alkaloids (lupanine, lupinine, anagyrine and sparteine) are present in Lupinus species. Their toxic effects are similar to those of cytisine, but not so severe. In a case of Lupinus poisoning, where lupanine was detected in the urine, increased heart rate and extrasystoles occurred (Luque Marquez et al., 1991).

Sparteine produces a dose-dependent reduction in heart rate and blood pressure in animal experiments. It possesses sodium and potassium channel blocking properties in the rat, which may account for its antiarrhythmic action (Pugsley et al., 1995). Autonomic ganglia are stimulated by small amounts and paralysed by large doses. Sparteine has little effect on the CNS, but peripherally paralyses motor nerve terminals and sympathetic ganglia as a result of a curare-like action (Reynolds, 1996).

Clinical effects:
Ingestion: These alkaloids are absorbed rapidly through all mucous membranes. Initial symptoms usually appear within 1 hour (Fuller and McClintock, 1986), and include a burning sensation in the oropharynx, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and occasionally diarrhoea. This can progress to headache, dizziness, confusion, dilated pupils, clammy skin, tachycardia, pyrexia, dyspnoea and drowsiness. In most cases recovery is complete in 12-24 hours.

After a large ingestion (of Laburnum) the more serious effects include hallucinations, convulsions, respiratory failure, coma and rarely death (Cooper and Johnson, 1998).

Author: Marie Pickford, Marion Cooper, Tony Johnson

Bruneton (1999) also includes a detailed review of the effects of poisoning from the seeds of Laburnum.

Cytisine itself is highly toxic (LD50­­ is 18 mg/kg intraperatoneally in mice) (Harbourne and Baxter 1993).  Harborne and Baxter (1996)  gives the  LD50 (mus, ivn) 1.3 mg/kg and LD50 (mice, orally) 101 mg/kg.

The Combined chemical dictionary list the following properties for cytisine(-)-, apparently it is soluble in water.

Variant   (-)-form      
     View Structure       
Chapman & Hall Number   CFX24       
CAS Registry Number   485-35-8       
Type of Compound Code   VX0920       
Molecular Formula   C11H14N2O       
Molecular Weight   190.244       
Accurate Mass   190.110613       
Percentage Composition   C 69.45%; H 7.42%; N 14.72%; O 8.41%       
Hazard and Toxicity   Highly toxic. LD50 (mus, orl) 101 mg/kg ; BERDY HAZD : LD50 (mus, ivn) 1.3 mg/kg      
Other Data   Pharmacol. active isomer      
Solubility   BERDY SOL: Sol. H2O, EtOH, C6H6; poorly sol. Et2O, hexane      
Biological Source   Alkaloid from Cytisus laburnum, many other Cytisus spp., Baptisia, Genista, Laburnum, Sophora, Thermopsis, Ammodendron, Anagyris and Euchresta spp. (Leguminosae)      
Biological Use / Importance   Shows nicotine-like CNS activity. Antiinflammatory agent. Shows psychoactive props. Has been used as respiratory stimulant in the former USSR. Common cause of poisoning of humans and animals by Cytisus laburnum      
Melting Point   Mp 155° subl.       
Optical Rotation   [α]17D -119  ( H2O  )       
Aldrich   33512-6       
Sigma   C2899    

Bisby, et al (1994) list the original academic papers that cite that cytisine is present in the stem bark, stem or the whole plant.  They are largely in obscure scientific journals so I could not follow these up to see if quantities in these plant parts are mentioned. 

Cited References:
Dauncey, E.D (ed.) 2000.  Revision of the Horticultural Trades Association Code of Practice for the labelling of potentially harmful plants.  Medical toxicology Unit Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital Trust and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. (11 February 2000, updated 14 March 2003 to include labelling requirements of the ‘2000 code,’  includes A, B, C taxa and D (label not required), and taxa not previously considered).  [Toxicity Authors: Marion Cooper and Tony Johnson, and Nicola Bates, and other Information Officers and staff of the National Poisons Information Service (London): Peter Barber, Jennifer Butler, Mark Colbridge, Grainne Cullen, Digby Green, Robie Kamanyire, Frances Northall, Marie Pickford, Elizabeth Schofield, Nicola Scott, Brian Widdop.]

Hausen,  Bjorn (1981). Woods injurious to human health: a manual. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter

Harbourne and Baxter (1993).  Phytochemical Dictionary. Taylor & Francis

Harbourne and Baxter (1996). Dictionary of Plant Toxins.  Chichester: John Wiley and Sons .

Bruneton, J. 1999, Toxic plants dangerous to humans and animal. Lavoisier, Paris, 545pp includes a detailed review of the effects of poisoning from the seeds of Laburnum

Bisby, F.A., Buckingham, J. & Harbourne, J.B. (Eds) 1994.  Phytochemical dictionary of the Leguminosae Vol 1. Plants and their constituents,  Cambridge:  Chapman & Hall

Combined Chemical Dictionary Taylor & Francis Group 2006.


Offline dragonman

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Re: Laburnum take down
« Reply #29 on: December 05, 2009, 02:40:23 pm »
Nice looking bow and thanks for the info.  there is plenty of laburnum in the hills round here, but I was scared off by rumours of its toxicity. I feel that you are right the actual wood is minimally toxic and if you are not making them every day for years  you will be alright, so this confirmation is good news for me, this is probably the best bow wood growing around here, thanks
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