Thanks, one and all (except fer dat dana) First I'd like to extend my apologies to George T, you asked a question and I didn't answer and that my friend is just plain rude.....You are getting yer leg pulled, eh! Dat dana youpper is going back to wild, heck round here we know fer a fact dat dey gots anti-aircraft set up fer Santa dats why there swampers gots thin soles on 'em.
Parnell all my arrows are the same for all my bows, i.e. 29" bare shafts (self knocks and hafted heads come out shorter than glue on knocks and heads) I usually draw the same (realitively) all the time, but will "short stroke" occassionally if the bow stacks more than I can pull. Yest I make my own quivers, arrow shafts etc. but I dont knap stone or such. DRFishon because I'm eye imparied and cross-eye dominent I took up shooting like this.....I bend slightly at the waist, with an "open" stance to the target, and as I bush my bowhand toward the target I draw the string to a floating anchor point (this is without thought and I draw to what's comfortable) I have found that this method allows you to use your right brain, you dont get messed up with that whole aiming point thing, and your on-board computer will put those arrows right where you want them. Actusally, when I shoot I can only see the target spot....then the arrow just appears when it hits....if you see anything else (don't sneek a peek at the arrow) then your left brain is going to chime in with "is yer anchor right", are you steady enough< etc. etc. That is how I great for me at the 20 yards I limit myself to.
El Destructo and Dragon Man, Our hardwoods here in the northern lower have really close grain (slow growth) because of the harsh winters ( we average 200+ inches of snow a year ) same goes for the elm, black ash, walnut, white ash, grey elm, ironwood (hornbeam) etc. etc. You get into that tight verticle grain and it's like a nearly perfect bow stave.....I really like it myself.
Hope I didn't forget anyone and thanks again for the kind words, this old hillbilly is about beet-red.
half eye