Lajos Kassai,the greatest archer of our time?While i dont purpose to take away from the mans skill as an archer,i would think that is a very bold statement,considering the quality of archers we have in our time.And what exactly is,"Our time"?
Another little tidbit of Historical fact,that is widely unknown.While most attribute the Modern compound as we know it to Mr Allen,it was actually INVENTED by another.While Allen,did in fact have the first Patent on the Modern compound,it was Dick Hamilton who was credited as drawing up the first set of known plans for the "Compound"as we know it today.Dick never shot one though as he is a die hard traditionalist who never strayed from his,trusty hill style bows,even when the rage was the recurve.Dick is more known for his Hunting skills and association with Jay Massey,who together developed the Moosejohn outfitter buisness,that cateres to Traditional bowhunters.