Author Topic: Vulture tree Sling?  (Read 7139 times)

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Offline Bentstick81

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Vulture tree Sling?
« on: December 02, 2009, 08:00:35 pm »
 Was wondering if anyone had information, web site, or has tried Ken Lewis's Vulture Tree Sling?

Offline nocams

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Re: Vulture tree Sling?
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2009, 11:58:42 am »
Go with the Guido's Web, a much better product in my humble opinion. I have tried all of them, the Guidos, the Treesaddle, and the Vulture.


Offline Bentstick81

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Re: Vulture tree Sling?
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2009, 02:47:40 pm »
  Do you have any problems shooting longbows out of the Guidos Web?

Offline zeNBowyer

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Re: Vulture tree Sling?
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2009, 03:13:27 pm »
Looks  great  for  gunning  but seems like  it would  be  difficult with  a  bow,
you  are  facing the tree with this  rig
"There's  something  immoral  about  abandoning  your  own  judgement"
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Ishi did not become the arrow, I suspect. The arrow became Ishi.

Offline Bentstick81

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Re: Vulture tree Sling?
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2009, 03:23:29 pm »
  I've shot deer out of the Treesuit, and am seriously thinking of getting another. It is a very handy treestand to have to hunt with. I've seen the treesaddle, and don't like the pressure against my knees on the tree for hours. The treesuit has a stand-off so it keeps you away from the tree. I noticed that the Guidos Web has quite a bit more straps. That is why i was wondering how it was shooting longbows out of. I have read about the Vulture, but can't find anything on it.

Offline nocams

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Re: Vulture tree Sling?
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2009, 11:59:24 am »
The Treesaddle is the easiest to shoot out of in my humble opinion but as others have said, hate being forced into the tree for 3-4 hour sits. You also have to wear knee pads and that is something else to keep up with and carry to the woods. The Guidos does have shoulder straps and you can slip off the one on your draw hand for better shooting behind you. Guidos does not ever recommend you take the shoulder straps off, just telling you what I have done to make it work better for me. I went with the Guidos due to the better comfort, no knee pads required due to the standoff bar on the Guidos. I just could not sit still in a Treesaddle. I can sleep in a Guidos it is so comfy.
