but didn't draw any blood. after sitting on the stand for 30 min. i saw a doe trotting down the trial, coming straight to me. she would pass by at about five yards. i started drawing down on her and whistling at the same time. when i realized she wasn't going to stop, i guessed the lead and let fly. just as i released she did a little high step and the arrow passed between her front legs. as her right leg came down she snapped the arrow in half, a perfect karate chop as you can see. about three minutes after she passed by, a chocolate lab came running by followed by a very over weight pit bull that was barely making it. it amazed me when the lab ran by the trail the deer took, and literally slammed on the brakes after about 15 feet. he did a 180 and ran up the trail the deer took. he never put his nose to the ground.
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