Author Topic: "Little String Follow"- First Backed Bow Braced  (Read 1812 times)

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Offline barebo

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"Little String Follow"- First Backed Bow Braced
« on: December 01, 2009, 09:41:18 pm »
I've made selfbows from staves and a few from boards, but never attempted to back one before. I learned A LOT!!!
Thanks to Medicinewheel, my tip overlays came out pretty nice. I had Sulphur give me some tips on tiller profile, and I think that
the braced profile is what it should be. I used White Ash for the belly, and a strip of quarter sawn Hickory for the backing.
I think that I did one of two cardinal sins building a selfbow: didn't allow thw Ash to dry/cure thouroughly, and pushed the tiller process too fast. The tips are now dead even with the grip. An honest couple of inches of follow/set. Not sure of draw weight yet.
I never tried handle laminates before - they don't look too bad... I'll shoot it in and get some stain and finish on it, and if it stays together, I'll post some pics. Gives me a LOT of respect for all of the seasoned bowyers that turn out one beautiful piece of work after another!!! Anyhow, thanks for the advice from those that gave it !!

Offline bambule

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Re: "Little String Follow"- First Backed Bow Braced
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2009, 08:43:48 am »
maybe White Ash and Hickory are not a good combo for laminating. Both woods are strong in tension. Ash is wek in compression often so a combo from a tension strong wood on the back like Hickory and a White Ash will result in a huge among of set. But don't care - you've said you learned a lot ans that is the best result  ;)

Niedersachsen, Germany

Offline denny

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Re: "Little String Follow"- First Backed Bow Braced
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2009, 10:50:12 am »
Never tried ash and hickory together,  I usually use one or the other for backing. Anyway , next time induce reflex as you glue up backing .It isn't rocket science, Make a little mold, glue up the parts wrap with saran wrap tightly after you glue up and clamp to the mold. Some guys use tire tubes surgical tubing for clamps. If your lambinating the reflex needs to be done when you glue it up. we can talk about deflex later. feel free to e-mail me or ask the others as usual. keep scraping.Denny

Offline barebo

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Re: "Little String Follow"- First Backed Bow Braced
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2009, 07:38:41 pm »
Here's the update: Got it braced and took it out this afternoon. Only braced about 6". No creaks or groans going on - string tracks perfectly, and the set is exactly what it was after about 50 shots. If I get a full draw, it has a nice cast. Not a screamer, but easy to shoot, and Dead Nuts accurate !!! That's what I was hoping for. No handshock, and super light in the hand. I did a final sanding, and put a few coats of Minwax "Golden Oak" on it, and man is it ever pretty !!! After the stain has a few days to dry, I'll shoot a few light coats of finish on, and get a pic or two up. Actually, the string follow/set isn't that much of an issue. I've made a few bows that have kept a pretty flat even profile, and think that Ash might not be the best choice for a Hickory back, and am itching to try another laminated one - maybe Ipe and Hickory or bamboo. All in all, I'm pretty happy with this one.