Author Topic: Houston Tx  (Read 103712 times)

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Offline Gus

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Re: Houston Tx
« Reply #30 on: September 26, 2011, 02:20:16 pm »
Excellent Bo,

Sending PM.

"I taught him archery everyday, and when he got good at it he throw an arrow at me."

Conroe, TX

Offline Bohunter0908

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Re: Houston Tx
« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2011, 12:50:37 am »
Hey, Gus
I got your pm unfortunatly I just
started working a night shift scheduled for about
20 days. But as soon as I can i'd like to try
and get togerher. O btw I started on my elm and so far
so good I'm pretty happy with it. Also if you want a stave of elm
I have some elm left that I still need to split right now that's
about all I have. But I got my feelers out for more
  Laporte TEXAS
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Offline Gus

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Re: Houston Tx
« Reply #32 on: September 28, 2011, 02:42:50 pm »
No worried Bo,

The Osage will be here seasoning when you are ready.

Elm is cool.
Should be felling a Lacebark Elm in the next month or so.
Heading to South Central Texas in short order, hoping to gather some materials along the way.
Maybe we can get together towards the end of October.


"I taught him archery everyday, and when he got good at it he throw an arrow at me."

Conroe, TX

Offline Bohunter0908

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Re: Houston Tx
« Reply #33 on: September 28, 2011, 05:26:18 pm »
Late oct. Sounds good
You heading out there to hunt?
Hopefully I'll have a chance to
Slpit the rest of the elm between now and then
and I may have a line on some crepe mertle
If you are hunting good luck
 - Bo-
Laporte TEXAS
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Offline Gus

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Re: Houston Tx
« Reply #34 on: September 28, 2011, 06:01:04 pm »
Yes Sir,

Good deal.
Doing a bit of Dove Hunting and may have a shot at a hog... all gun.
But will also be wood, rock and snake hunting.

"I taught him archery everyday, and when he got good at it he throw an arrow at me."

Conroe, TX

Offline jermcramp1

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Re: Houston Tx
« Reply #35 on: October 19, 2011, 04:15:06 pm »
Hey guys and gals,

I'm in spring/tomball area. Got my second bow almost done and waiting on a MEET. when is it going to happen and where?

O and one of my customers is HOUSTON HARDWOODS off w34th st and 290, they have pretty much any kind of wood you can think of and for great prices. 
Even the dogs get the crumbs...

Offline Gus

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Re: Houston Tx
« Reply #36 on: October 19, 2011, 06:11:08 pm »
Hi Jermcramp,


Man, I've spent quite a few hours digging through Houston Hardwoods Racks and Bins... :)

The idea of having a monthly or biweekly  or some such get together for bow making and what not has been loosely discussed.
And even more so after reading Miss Sadiejane's thread on the Bow Class that she has going out her way.

I guess the thing to do would be to find a willing soul who could host.
It would be good if the place was centrally located but that is not a show stopper.
Having some room to work and shoot would be helpfull.
Then find a time most suitable to as many as would be interested in coming.

I don't mind hosting, we're located in Spring Branch.
Have some workable facilities but mostly a hand tools setup at the moment.
Think we could manage a twenty yard mini range.

Lets talk it up!!!  ;)

"I taught him archery everyday, and when he got good at it he throw an arrow at me."

Conroe, TX

Offline jermcramp1

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Re: Houston Tx
« Reply #37 on: October 20, 2011, 04:20:17 pm »
I would love to host but my 7 mo prego wife might not be up for that...

As far as tools, I cut shape with skill and the rest rasp and file...

And I think 20 yds is perfect!
Even the dogs get the crumbs...

Offline Gus

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Re: Houston Tx
« Reply #38 on: October 20, 2011, 05:07:54 pm »
I'll get the yard and work benches squared away.

Next we need to decide on when we want to meet.

Bohunter0908 had expressed an interest in a get together.
Aelerik might be up for it as well.

I'm up for most any day Except for Tuesdays.

Once we get a first meet together the rest will sort itself out as we go...   :)

Lets make some Shavings!

"I taught him archery everyday, and when he got good at it he throw an arrow at me."

Conroe, TX

Offline Bohunter0908

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Re: Houston Tx
« Reply #39 on: October 21, 2011, 11:19:53 pm »
My better half is also 7 months
preggers ....
I'm all for making shavings
just give me the when and where
when you get it figured out

Laporte TEXAS
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Offline Gus

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Re: Houston Tx
« Reply #40 on: October 24, 2011, 02:00:45 am »
Yes Sir,

So are you guys more open to evenings or do you perfer a day time meet?
And week day or weekend?
I'm pretty easy as long as I have a few days to get the time off.

Just getting her dialed in.

"I taught him archery everyday, and when he got good at it he throw an arrow at me."

Conroe, TX

Offline Aelerik

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Re: Houston Tx
« Reply #41 on: December 08, 2011, 01:55:21 am »
Any chance yall just wanna meet up for lunch or somethin and drive around lookin for some trees outside H-town?? Im pretty much as new as u can be to this but im sure we can find somethin worth choppin down if we all just meet up. Only reason i say we meet up is because i noticed the problem with tryin to stuff 3-5 people in one persons yard. I think it'd be cool though to just sit down and talk about bows with other people. If yall want to, lets try and get somethin coordinated.

Offline Gus

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Re: Houston Tx
« Reply #42 on: December 08, 2011, 06:27:36 pm »
It might not be a bad idea to look up that 70 tree listing on Craigs List again to see if there is anything there of interest.
It was on the north side of town but not far out.

As far as hunting trees go, I'm pretty covered up at the moment.
Probably won't be tree hunting till after sinew season.
That is unless I hear of an Osage or Black Walnut or some such tree that needs whackin'.

Anyone want to come by and do some white tail leg cutting this Saturday or Sunday let me know.
You keep what you cut.


"I taught him archery everyday, and when he got good at it he throw an arrow at me."

Conroe, TX

Offline heliopilot1

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Re: Houston Tx
« Reply #43 on: January 10, 2012, 08:26:25 pm »
Howdy guys. Imin devers.tx between liberty and beaumont. I am a lapidarist. And a silversmith. And an radiocontrol pilot. Now i want to make bows. Have access to a big patch of bamboo and cypress and mesquite. And need all the help i can get.
Carlton greathouse

Offline AJMag

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Re: Houston Tx
« Reply #44 on: January 14, 2012, 02:04:02 pm »
Hi Fellas. I'm in the Woodlands/Spring area and just putting the finishing touches on my first red oak board bow. I'm starting the floor tillering on my next board, but I already have an itch to try a stave. I imagine I may have to purchase one which would be fine for my first, but I'm interested in where/how some of you are getting access to the ability to chop your own tree? I'm still kind of fresh to the Houston area and don't have any access to land, so just kind of wondering. Do any of the lumber yards around here happen to sell staves or is it best to just fork out the cash for reasonably priced first stave off the internet? I appreciate any help or advice for broke college student  ;)