Author Topic: Two more. Buck and doe down  (Read 25862 times)

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Offline Kent D.

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Two more. Buck and doe down
« on: November 23, 2009, 11:22:21 am »
 Shot with my ipe boo trilam, R/D bow.

Sorry about the pics. I all I had was a phone.  Didnt have a chance to take a pic of the doe, other than in the back of the truck.

 And for the ride to the gutting spot.

Offline Josh

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Re: Two more. Buck and doe down
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2009, 11:57:06 am »
LOL looks like you need to separate those too, you turn your back for a second and this happens....   >:D  ;D All joking aside great harvest man, Glad to see your bow is making meat for ya.  :)  -josh
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Offline zeNBowyer

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Re: Two more. Buck and doe down
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2009, 12:11:19 pm »
    Like to  know  more about that  fine  bow  you're  shooting:)
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Ishi did not become the arrow, I suspect. The arrow became Ishi.

Offline Kent D.

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Re: Two more. Buck and doe down
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2009, 12:37:16 pm »
    Like to  know  more about that  fine  bow  you're  shooting:)

Thanks for the kind words all.

The bow is one I finished making early this fall.  It is a boo, ipe triilam,longbow,  R/D style.  65" ntn and pulls 62lbs at 28"  Here are some close up pics.

Offline PeteC

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Re: Two more. Buck and doe down
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2009, 09:30:23 pm »
Congratulations on your double.That's the way to make meat ;) God  Bless
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Offline cowboy

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Re: Two more. Buck and doe down
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2009, 09:50:00 pm »
Congrat's on the harvest and very nice bow!
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Re: Two more. Buck and doe down
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2009, 12:25:27 am »
i'm really glad to see this Kent.  Lots of guys make bows for a hobby but hunt with guns.  You be keepin it real.

How far did they get after you shot them?  Did the arrow pass right through?  Where do you take them to gut?  You keeping the sinew and so on?  Dude i'd be down to send you a yew stave for enough sinew to back a 53" bow 1.75" wide.   PM me if you are interested, eh?


Offline Pappy

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Re: Two more. Buck and doe down
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2009, 05:15:06 am »
Nice deer,congrats ,nice bow also.
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline Kent D.

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Re: Two more. Buck and doe down
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2009, 09:13:16 am »
i'm really glad to see this Kent.  Lots of guys make bows for a hobby but hunt with guns.  You be keepin it real.

How far did they get after you shot them?  Did the arrow pass right through?  Where do you take them to gut?  You keeping the sinew and so on?  Dude i'd be down to send you a yew stave for enough sinew to back a 53" bow 1.75" wide.   PM me if you are interested, eh?

Thanks agian all

I got into the bow making thing due to the fact Ive been a traditional bow hunter since 1978.  I thought making bows would be the next step.  And I have to say, it has been a blast shooting deer and hogs with my own bows.

The first deer was the doe.  I own land about an hour and a half from my house and  had planned on going out early Sat. morning to hun it.  But like most good plans, there is always a monkey wrench thrown in the system.  I ended up getting side tracked by a plumbing problem at our church.  So all sat morning I was digging sewer lines.   Instead of getting to go out to my land, which I had no time to get to, I decided to hit a little spot of public land on the Brazos River, here in Notrh West Texas.  The river is about a half mile from my house, but is usually horrible hunting.   I set up on a bluf, over looking a traill.  The doe came along at about 15 yards when I shot her.  The arrow passed all the way through dangling out the exit side by the fletching.  She threw the arros and ran about 30 yards and piled up.  I could see her, but still gave her the normal time to set to insure she was dead.  While waiting, the buck comes along sniffing her trail.  Agian, another 15 yard shot.   The arrow passed through the buck, just to the point where the broadbead was sticking out the exit side of him.  He jumped, spun twice and fell on the spot.   I had planned on doing some yote hunting the next day, so I took the deer up to an open by the river to gut.   The next day, I saw no yotes within bow range. 

As for the sinew, I keep the leg sinew.  I still have 3 more deer to harvest this season and Ill gladly save all of it for you.  I dont quite have enough for backing.  I also have some buddies that are compound hunters who have no concern for the sinew, so Ill collect all of it that they get as well.  Ill gladly send it to you when/if we get a bunch.


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Re: Two more. Buck and doe down
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2009, 10:10:41 am »
perfect, let's keep in touch

Offline hawkbow

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Re: Two more. Buck and doe down
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2009, 11:05:25 am »
Well done brother, that is one sweet looking bow.. and some really nice deer... you did it with honor.... good on you bro... keep am coming,  Hawk

Mike "Hawk" Huston

Offline woodstick

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Re: Two more. Buck and doe down
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2009, 08:39:54 pm »
nice job on the deer hunting. looks like you got good luck on your side.
a drawn bow is a stick 9/10 broken

Offline Ryano

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Re: Two more. Buck and doe down
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2009, 09:38:38 am »
Very cool. That had to be some work getting two deer out of the woods with the guts still in 'em.  Is the buck a 8 pointer? Hard to tell in the picture.
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
Osage is still better.....

Offline Kent D.

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Re: Two more. Buck and doe down
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2009, 11:43:22 am »
Thanks everyone for the kind words.


It is an 8 pointer.  He had been doing some serious fighting, because just about every tine was broke off.  As for draging it out, it was a booger.  I had to drag it up the bluff, but that was it.  I could drive my truck right up to where I was setting while I was hunting.  I didnt want to gut them where they laid because of all the hogs.  I had planed on maybe hunting that spot agian in a day or two, and once the hogs got wif of the gut pile, they would have went crazy in that spot.  I thought since I had luck with deer there, It might be fruitful agian.  Once hogs start moving in, the deer change their travel.  I also wanted to set the gut pile up near another spot to try to shoot a coyote.  The coyotes came in, but never in bow range.

Offline GregB

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Re: Two more. Buck and doe down
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2009, 05:02:25 pm »

Enjoyed the story and congrats on your successful hunt! Not often that you get to double up with traditional equipment! ;)

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