First I'd like to thank a few people for helping with this. Justin Snyder for giving me the confidence to actually start this thing and for your glue up method, I used your pine strip and rubber band clamps. David Knight for the great bamboo.When David tells you it's glue up ready he means it. And TwistedLimb, Your bow made me realize I could make a BBI without a fancy R/D design.
My friend has been shooting bows for over 40 years. He started with fiberglass recurves and then bought a Bear Whitetail hunter in the 70's. He still shoots that old compound barebow style with no sights and a shooting glove. Him and I were having a conversation a month or so ago about my dislike of compounds. He always appreciated that I like traditional gear but never really got it. A few weeks ago he walked into the local PSE pro shop. He called me after his visit and exclaimed "I got it". He was stunned when he went in there. He thought they were all kids bows and had actually asked where the adult bows where. He just could not believe how mechanized every thing was and how small the bows where. He told me after seeing that he almost wants to go tie a string to a branch because it would feel more like a bow than what he saw in there. Even though he'd been shooting his compound for over 30 years he never realized how far they had gone with them. I decided that he was now ready for a real bow. So this is what I made for him.
It is a Bamboo backed Ipe. 67" long, 1.25" wide tapering to 3/8" tips. I glued in 3 inches of reflex and as you can see in the pics kept just a tad bit of that. The overlays I picked up at a local hardwood store as turning blanks, I can't remember what they are but I liked the look of the wood. Although I don't like how I made the overlays and that's something I'll have to work on. It is backed with western diamondback rattlers and the handle is your basic gopher snake. The bow draws 48# @ 30".
I hope he likes it. Let me know what you think.