Keenan has it right - with serviceberry you need to keep the belly flat.
Is this because it is weak in compression? I have a couple of serviceberry staves that I want to start on , one of which I used Keenans knife and a rock to cut down
...he made me do it... 
Lets analyze this statement from Dave

Notice he said, "I used Keenans Knife and a rock" A clear admission of total desperation and the obvious symptom of an addict in withdrawls. This is followed by the denial and blame shifting statement

"He made me do it." If memory serves me right we were in His Bronco and he had forgot to bring a saw, so in desperation conned me out of my knife

Darn that truth hurts sometimes,,,,,,

Dave , I'm your friend,,admitting you have a problem is the first step and it's OK.