Surely TTBB etc show that this is not true...the Holmgaard design etc are shown to be be pretty good models for what we are re-discovering today. I agree that they are to be commended for publishing their work, but doubltless the skin wearing rock knockes haded their skills down in a practical or oral tradition.
I though that on a site like this we'de outgrown the sold streotypes of early man as stupid. 
(Sorry if you were just being funny, I just hear so much 'dumb neanderthat rubish' it winds me up) 
I guess it is just a matter of perspective and what you consider smart. If being smart means knowing quantum mechanics and how to apply it, then prehistoric man was not very smart. If being smart means being able to survive in the "wilds", making and designing tools that work to survive, then prehistoric man was very smart. Then again by either of those rules, I'm REALLY dumb.

A modern and a prehistoric education are not comparable directly when viewed from outside of their respective times. The ability to use and understand an eduction in whatever context and then be able to move beyond it to solve a problem, that is intelligence as far as I'm concerned. If we were to meet prehistoric man on his own terms, in his environment, he'd probably think we are the stupid ones, and he'd be right from his perspective.
As far as bow design is concerned, it is again a matter of perspective. The holmguard is a high performance hunting bow that can be made in the field without special tools, glues, cauls, heat sources etc. It's the equivalent of a pump shot gun, you can beat the snot out of it and still provide diner. A "modern" bow that has been laminated, reflexed, deflexed, and any other "exed" you can think of, is a performance "target" bow (even when that target is game) that pushes the physical abilities of design and material as we understand them. It's the equivalent of an Olympic target rifle. So which is the better bow? That depends on whether I've been dumped in the hinterlands and I need six months to walk out, or I'm trying to win an archery competition at a world class shoot. I'd go with the Holmguard for the first, or I'd be on the phone for the second.