Took this young fellar yesterday morning. I had made a scent trail going into my stand location, and this guy walked right to me with his nose to the ground.... The shot was about 10 yards but I had to climb to about 25 ft to get to where I had some decent shot opportunities without foresting state property:) The shot was pretty steep and I was pretty sure I only got one lung. Fifteen minutes later it started to rain, so I took up the trail quicker than I would have liked. He ran about 30 yards before I found any blood, and made it about another 70 more before he expired. The broadhead didn't exit(think I short drawed a bit), but I punctured the lung and knicked the heart. There was enough sign to stay with him before the rain got heavy.
I think that is the 5th deer I have taken with "Pappy's Osage", self-nocked ash shaft, and zwickey head.
Best part, I took him cleanly and honorably before the "Orange Army" descended on the woods this morning.....