You can tune a selfbow to your arrows just like any other bow. If you have a set of arrows that are consistent, and they strike left- they are stiff. If you have them grouping right, they are weak. If they fly hich, your nock point is low, if they group low then the nock point it too high. Normally, you "fine tune" by reading these groups by shooting the arrows without fletchings, but fletched will still work (it helps if you can shoot them farther too).
If they are STIFF: Raise the brace height and/or sand your arrow pass. Rasing the brace height slightly boosts weight, but more than that it means the angle the arrows are at brace is lessened. If you have "optimum brace height", or whatever, then just sand your arrow pass. If you get to about 1 1/16" from centershot (provided the bow can go that far) or a brace height of more than 7", just get lighter arrows.
If they are WEAK: Lower your brace height, or build out the arrow pass. Layers of leather is a good way to do that. Like making your bow "more centershot" for heavy arrows, if you get to the point where it's just rediculous, then switch to lighter arrows.