I love pictures so decided to take some of my adventures in splitting a yew log.
After splitting the log in half, I re-split them in half again.
I hit a snag right off the bat.

Taking care of that knot/ snag, I didn't cut through that knot.

Following the grain or trying best I can.

Split!!! Ya man, I am king.

Re- splitting those halfs. Never mind that started split on the right, crap happens but it was just a starter split...

Another friggin knot...actually went well.

...and so on. This log wasn't bad compare to the other log. The other was so knotty and dificult to split that I won't even show it. Did get some promising pieces out of it though.

Reclaiming the wedge. Used axe to lossen the wedge.


Got to love it.

I'll re-split these when I start learning what trhe heck I'm doing.