Here are my first attempts.
Hickory: 66", 65# @ 30". This is the one with lots of deflex. Point On is 60 yards with a 600 gr arrow.
Boo & ipe: 66", 60# @ 28"- this one is my brother's new bow. Point on is 55 or better with a 500 gr cedar arrow- didn't get to test it yet. It made a cracking sound when I drew it for the picutre, I think I'll have to back it.
Hickory: about 70", 55# @ 30"- this was the first try at this stuff. Sinew and epoxy patch on a crack. Point On distance about 53 yards with a 600 gr arrow.
All the tips are about 5/16" or 1/4". I think I should have done more of a pyramid taper, or get the midlimbs bending more. Either way, the speeds are better than prvious bows- despite hinges in seemingly all of the bows

My next steps would be to use more of a pyramid taper and/or get the midlimb bending more. With the 600 gr. arrow, the long draw helps with power and cast. I'm also going to try and get the tips even lighter. I have to work on durability and tiller, but I think that goes without saying

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