Author Topic: I'm itchin' to make my first bow.....  (Read 2855 times)

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Cascade Man

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I'm itchin' to make my first bow.....
« on: October 29, 2009, 11:10:50 pm »
..... but can't seem to find a mentor to guide me in my quest to set my compound bow aside and forever hunt with my own creation. I live in the Bremerton area in Kitsap Co. WA. I am a hunter that started with modern rifle and has gradually gone back to  the old ways. I know how I learn best, and that is to do it right along side someone that knows what they are doing. It's best to ask questions as I go along and whoever is teaching me can show me the tips and tricks right then and there. If there is someone that can help me out and give me some hands on instruction approx. 2 days a month (like a saturday afternoon or evening afterwork) I would be extremely greatful. I know there is alot of time and sweat that goes into a qjuality bow that will last. I'm the sole bread winner for my familly, so I don't have much to trade other than passing on everything I learn to my kids/nieces/nephews when they get older, or anyone who would learn for that matter. Please help me keep this rich tradition and heritage alive......Teach me....

Offline woodstick

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Re: I'm itchin' to make my first bow.....
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2009, 11:36:20 pm »
you along way from oklahoma but if you look on this site you can learn to make a bow and you can ask as many ? as you want. i learned from books get tbb1 through 4 and thats bout all you will need. wish i could help hands on.
a drawn bow is a stick 9/10 broken

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Re: I'm itchin' to make my first bow.....
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2009, 01:10:03 am »;wap2

These instructions are very good at getting you on the right track and should have you holding a very decent bow in a short time.  Good Luck in your Journey, you've found a great group of guys here who can offer you lots of help.

Nate Danforth
Nate Danforth

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Re: I'm itchin' to make my first bow.....
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2009, 05:58:36 am »
Love to help ,but to far for me, ;) :) Just read on here a lot,get some wood and go get um.
Take pictures and ask questions and we will get you through it,most of us learned that way.
There are a lot of build alongs on here and some sites you can go to for good general instructions Like Jawge's site that will get you started.Just jump right in,have fun and welcome to PA. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Re: I'm itchin' to make my first bow.....
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2009, 07:25:08 am »
do-it-yourself'ers only on PA, dude...get crackin


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Re: I'm itchin' to make my first bow.....
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2009, 08:39:36 am »
Good one Radius...yeah like he said....get in there and do some searching decide what u have to use...what type of bow ur pics and along the way we will help u...simple as that! 


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Re: I'm itchin' to make my first bow.....
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2009, 01:41:00 pm »
Hi Cascade,   I think most of us are happy to help a would be bowyer, but we're pretty scattered.   Attending a traditional meet will usually allow you to talk to at least one bowyer. You might want to monitor the meets page on this site.  Many local archery clubs have at least one member with bow building experience, so join your local club ( if there is one.)  In addition some commercial bowyers are willing to give lessons.  I know one of my friends took his son up to one somewhere in your neck of the woods last spring.  My friend and his son came home with some beautiful bows.  PM me and I'll see if I can get the bowyer's name for you.   Ron
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Offline The Gopher

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Re: I'm itchin' to make my first bow.....
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2009, 02:03:20 pm »
i know what you mean about hands on learning, especially for bow building, but if you can't locate someone in your area, don't let that stop you from trying. more will be learned form the first couple bows (even if they break) than you could imagine. go get a hickory board that has grain lines parallel on the back and sides and make a bow. liek others have mentioned get the Traditional Bowyers Bible series of books, all 4. i would also recommend Comstock's The Bent Stick as well. i broke the first 5 bows i made before i got a shooter, but i didn't even have the books or this site. with the books and this place, i think anyone can build a shootable bow on their first try IF they are patient and don't get in a rush...i still have trouble with this. 
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Offline Parnell

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Re: I'm itchin' to make my first bow.....
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2009, 03:35:10 pm »
I'm with what's posted.  I've been at it myself for almost a year and have had a ton of fun and made a bunch of nicely functioning bows.  If you've got a working digital camera then you can post pictures and your progress will be greater with this crew's help.  You've got nothing to lose, get a board of something reasonable to start with maybe white oak or hickory with grain running straight along, get a proper design - give it a go!  Betcha you'll surprise yourself.


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Re: I'm itchin' to make my first bow.....
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2009, 04:30:46 pm »
You can also get one of your friends involved in the art of bowmaking as well.  I have a friend that got me into it when he was just starting out too and we are constantly sharing new information, trading stuff, and building bows together always trying to one-up each other.  Kinda helps to have an extra set of tillering eyes ever once in awhile too.     :)  -josh
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Offline Bushbow

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Re: I'm itchin' to make my first bow.....
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2009, 09:55:31 pm »
Again too far (near Chicago). When I started I got the Traditional Bowyers Bibles from our library. Later I bought my own copies. The Bent Stick by Paul Comstock is also an excellent book. A piece of Hickory is a good place to start, it is very tough and is not likely to break.